


The members are the most important part of the Parosphromenus Project!


With the launch of this website (2011) the Parosphromenus-Network currently includes about 200 members in 16 countries in Asia, Europe and America, still with focus in Central Europe. We expect a significant growth in other countries now that an internet site of the project has gone online. We invite you to join the project for the benefit of these fish which we would all like to preserve.

All those participating already, are listed in our database and do not have to register again. Everyone who is interested in Licorice Gouramis and wants to support their protection and conservation can be a participant and becomes a member of the Parosphromenus-Network. Membership is free; it is sufficient to send a mail to Please enter your name, country and the place where you live, because we want to update the map displaying the distribution of Parosphromenus friends. Often somebody wants to know whether like-minded people live nearby. Further commitments do not exist. On request a deletion from the list is possible at any time.

Update June 2023. We no longer keep any form of database of members, and there no need to register for using the homepage. Everyone who is interested in following us can simply sign up for our newsletter. That way you will receive news from us, and we consider this email list our list of contacts. We do not keep information about where people live, and we also do not any longer have a map. These changes are mostly because it has become more complicated with the new GPDR rules, and we also found that the personal contact always is helpful and easier, – so if you have any questions regarding species where you live, or if you wish to contribute, please feel welcome to send us an email on and we will get back to you.

We therefore call on you to join us! Become participants and members of the network of Parosphromenus friends! Only through joint efforts we can try to preserve this wonderful small fish. As individuals we are powerless. This is true, not only for the conservation of the natural habitats, but for the maintenance of the existing aquarium stock as well. Only by exchanging fish and information can sustainable conservation breeding become possible. But it is not necessary to take part in these activities to join our network. Many members can support us through sharing their researches . Communication support and indirect aid can be very effective, too.

However, it is our aim to involve as many dedicated aquarium enthusiasts as possible, to take part in the conservation efforts of the existing aquarium populations of these fish. We need many people, who voluntarily will “adopt” a species or draw the attention of others on the conservation objective through their own activities. We recognise this as an increasingly important task of the aquariium hobby, which has to find a new identity in a world that is affected by destruction of biological diversity. In fact, about 80 percent of the actual participants are already engaged in this task. The project tries to support them, within the frame of its possibilities, by providing information, organisational help and, within reasonable limits, also with fish. The latter will be started in Germany, because here we still have the highest density of Parosphromenus enthusiasts. The members are the ones who make the project successful or not. We will provide the framework; left alone, the single aquarist would be lost with this task. It can only be achieved in a common endeavour.
