Schindler & Linke 2012
First description: Ingo Schindler/Horst Linke,Two new species of the genus Parosphromenus (Teleostei: Osphronemidae) from Sumatra. Vertebrate Zoology 62(3), 2012, p. 399-406
Characteristics: Licorice gourami of the bintan-harveyi-type. Total length max. 2.77 cm (wild caught specimen), 4.5 cm (aquarium specimen). Fin formula: dorsal XI-XIII, 5-8, total 18-19, anal XI-XII, 8-10, total 20-22. Aquaria specimen get among all licorice gouramies of the bintan type the most stout, anteriorly by brownish patch and posteriorly by black subdistal band, absence of blotch on posterior part of dorsal fin and reddish-brown bands on anal and dorsal fins. (…)
Pelvic fin vivid-bluish turquoise, filament darker. Pectoral fin hyaline“ (Schindler/Linke). Females very similar to other females of that type.
Similar species: Other species of the bintan-harveyi-type could be mistaken for P. gunawani if not fully grown. The only species that could be mistaken for gunawani if fully grown could be bintan. But thencharacteristics of gunawani are the stout body and the colourful parallel bands in the unpaired fins of the male. These are unmistakable.
Ocurrence/Distribution: The only known place Danau Rasau is situated in the north-east part of the province of Jambi on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Habitat is “a peat swamp associated with a shallow pond (water depth about 30 to 100 cm). (…) The water was dark brown. (…) Temperature of about 29 degrees Celsius, a pH value of 4.1, and an electrical conductivity of 30 Microsiemens/cm.(Schindler/Linke).
Threat: Extremely high since the species is known from that single territory only. So far, it has only been imported twice privately by its discoverer. The first animals could be propagated quite easily, but are meanwhile completely lost. The animals of the second import (2012) are females only.
Discovery/first import:2008 Horst Linke discovered several putative new species of Parosphromenus from Sumatra and near islands. Among them was this new species and P. phoenicurus. From 2008 to 2012 P. gunawani was called spec. Danau Rasau.- It is likely that this species has been imported to Germany once before privately (ca. 1998) and was called spec. Jambi. There are no surviving specimen of that import or its offspring.
Trade: P. gunawani has never been imported commercially.
Care/Breeding: The species does not deviate in its requirements from other cogeners. The smallest tanks (10 liters) may be too small for permanent life. Eggs could be numerous (more than 60).
Behaviour/Particularities: Head down courtship. Similar behaviour to other related species. Very attractive species.