

Fry development p. harveyi

Development of parosphromenus harveyi fry

In this article would like to document in this article as detailed as possible the development of the young paroshromenus harveyi offspring.
 We can do this because we are so lucky to have some very good photos of young parosphromenus fry in different ages, taken by Zahar Zaharia in november 2014.
 So this will be our starting point.

This article will be continually updated if we recieve more photos from Zahar of the fry as they grow even older, – but photos of other fry – or nests with eggs, if any other person send these to us. This article will only show the species of parosphromenus harveyi.

If we recieve photos of fry or youngfish of one of the other species we will start an article related to this particular species. This way it may eventually be possible to document how the fry of each species looks like and develops, what similarities they may be, and what differencies there may be.

We will gladly recieve photos, but they should be of a good standard, and they should be supplied with precise information of the age of the fry.

Parosphromenus harveyi male Copyright Zahar Zaharia  Parosphromenus harveyi male with nest Copyright Zahar Zaharia Parosphromenus harveyi nest Copyright Zahar Zaharia

  Parosphromenus harveyi fry day 13 Copyright Zahar Zaharia Parosphromenus harveyi fry day 24 Copyright Zahar Zaharia Parosphromenus harveyi fry day 24 Copyright Zahar Zaharia

Parosphromenus harveyi fry day 32 Copyright Zahar Zaharia Parosphromenus harveyi fry day 39 Copyright Zahar Zaharia Parosphromenus harveyi fry day 61 Copyright Zahar Zaharia

Parosphromenus harveyi fry day 75 Copyright Zahar Zaharia

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