

Census 2015 – October – english

Census Autumn 2015 synopsis (link)



Autumn Census 2015 Parosphromenus-Project

Commentation of synopsis and godfathers

Kommentar der Synopse und Paten

commentation du synopsis et des parrains

English: Interpretation of the synopsis (von Benjamin Wilden, translated by Dorothee Jöllenbeck-Pfeffel)


We thank all those who participated in the Census.


In this autumm census 49 persons have participated. This is almost 10 persons less than in the spring census. Among them 12 reports of having no fish.

This time we can say with certainty, that that we no longer have all species in our stock.

P. deissneri has been lost and the presence of P.gunawani, as explained in the last census, can be discussed.

Further on I wish to ask every breeder to please remember to add the trading name but at the same time also write your own thoughts about that.

All trade – fish which could not be allocated, are mostly of the „Bintan-form“. This surely may be right in many cases and better than to accept various species names as applicable for granted.

P. gunawani is exactly such a case. At this present time it is impossible for us to say with certainty that either P. gunawani, or P. bintan are present, – since P. bintan with a true locality has not been reported for the last many years

Furtheron some very popular species, like P.linkei, P. quindecim or P. nagyi are very frequent and constant in stock, while others, like P.phoenicurus are, owing to imports, represented quite numerous.

But not only this species was able to be spread more widely. Also other species, which had been very poorly represented in spring, has been bred and distributed. Just at this point the great merit of the international meeting is clear.


P. alfredi is furtheron not frequent, but there is a slight upward trend to be seen. P. allani is obviously one of these species, which has benefited from the meeting and is now represented at significant more members.

P. anjunganensis is furtheronrelatively weak in stock, specially compared with the past years.

P. bintan seems again to be one of the most numeros species. But the indicated sources show clearly why; fish from the P.bintan-harveyi group are relatively good available in trade. Whether it is or not is difficult to clarify without location. The picture is different concerning species with locations.But these are just available with a few members, but these keep the fish numbers fairly constant.

P. deissneri is lost.

P. filamentosus is constant, like the past years. I would consider this species as not very endangered.Also the form „Ampah“ exists just at a few holders, but constant.

P. gunawani exists with three members (all fish from trade). As already generally discussed, a statement concerning this species is difficult.

P. harveyi has finished his downtrend, also thanks to Hamburg and can be considered as secured..

P. linkei furthermore is very secured. Many fish and offspring have been reported.

P. nagyi can be considered as secured. Concerning the location variantsthe number of holders and fish stayed constant.

P. opallios is good as it hasn´t been for years. Although there are still a few animals, but they have been significant bred and distributed.

P. ornaticauda has been reported significant more often as in spring, owing to new imports.Nevertheless this species must be regarded as sensitive.

P. pahuensis furtheron is not numeros in stock. But more offspring give hope.

P. paludicola has been reported less than in last census. This species has to be regarded as highly endangered.

P. parvulus has been bred a bit and distributed. A sligly upward trendcan be seen.

P. phoenicurus is furtheron good in stock, owed to the import of Aquarium Dietzenbach. The reported offspring give hope for a successful conservation.

P. quindecim seems to be best represented by absolute numbers in stock, this species has developed too very good.

P. rubrimontis also was distributed to more members.

P. sumatranus furtheron is very critical. Few breeders and no offspring remains a problem.

P. tweedie has remained relatively well distributed. All in all the stock is behaving constant.

Additional we have a new form „Parenggean“ which untill now is only to be found with one member