

Enthusiasts: Join the Parosphromenus-project!

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  • #3416
    Peter Finke

    Dear friends of Parosphromenus in Malayia, Indonesia, Thailand Japan and other countries: Since more than five years we work gathering as many addresses as possible from allover the world. There are some of your countries, too: Zahar Zakaria, MichaelLo, Hiroyuki Kishi, Haji Badaruddin, to name only a few.
    But there must be more such nice people who are devoted to these jewels of the disappearing rain forest!
    Please write here and join our network. We try to strengthen your position as fighters aganist the overall destruction!
    Peter Finke (Germany, Chairman of the Project)

    Peter Finke

    I very much welcome Zahar Zakaria as member of our renewed project! He logged in some days ago. Zahar: is it correct that you live no longer in Trengganu but near Kuala Lumpur now? That is the rumours I heard from Horst Linke.

    Peter Finke

    Yesterday December 6th 2011, the first friend from the people’s republic of China became member of our Parsosphromenus-projct. David from Shanghai, welcome!

    Bill Little

    Congratulation and welcome David from Shanghai. Welcome to the Parosphromenus Project. Do you have any of the Parosphromenus species or are just interested in these beautiful little fish?

    Soo Xi Wei

    found it hard to source for Parosphromenus sp commercially although they were wide spread in South East Asia

    Restarting my collection with P. Anjunganensis & P. Nagyi, coming soon will be P. Harveyi, shifting focus away from wild betta into Parosphromenus

    helene schoubye

    Dear C. Way, P. Yap (Singapore) is always a good address for licorice gouramis in south-east Asia; mailto:
    Accidentally Prof. Dr. Peter Beyer pays him today (December 11th) a visit! I know by him that Yap actually has P. nagyi in stock, probably other species too.
    You could also try Abdul Sahal (Kalimantan); mailto:
    In Germany we have actually more than 12 species offered by 10 private private breeders. It’s ridiculous that in the home countries ogf these fish it is much more difficult to get hold of them!
    Good luck!

    Soo Xi Wei

    [quote=”parosphr” post=630]Dear C. Way, P. Yap (Singapore) is always a good address for licorice gouramis in south-east Asia; mailto:
    Accidentally Prof. Dr. Peter Beyer pays him today (December 11th) a visit! I know by him that Yap actually has P. nagyi in stock, probably other species too.
    You could also try Abdul Sahal (Kalimantan); mailto:
    In Germany we have actually more than 12 species offered by 10 private private breeders. It’s ridiculous that in the home countries ogf these fish it is much more difficult to get hold of them!
    Good luck![/quote]

    thanks a lot for the information, have contacted both before, certain circumstances stands in between the purchases i.e. number of purchase to off set freight cost, still sorting things out, number of enthusiasts are way too small to do any help in this matter…

    faesz sabarudin

    Hi guys…Im the new guy in here..totally newbie on parosphromenus keeping..
    I know C.way..he’s one hell good breeder on wild betta…i totally aggree with C.way..its hard to obtain Paros in Malaysia.
    No local catcher or long term keeper.Information about their habitat also limited…most of the experience keeper already quit.

    Bill Little

    Welcome Northersabvre glad to have you join our little world – any friend of C Way is a friend of ours … 🙂

    faesz sabarudin

    Thanks for the warm welcome =). i hope i can learn more about parosphromenus keeping and breeding from this group

    Meysseman Chris


    I want to introduce myself. My name is Chris and new on this forum.
    I have an aquarium with Spaerichthys osphromenoides and Boraras. A few weeks ago I bought about 5 parosphromenus Deissneri. (I thought) But Steff (also active on this forum) assured me that they are very likely a kind of Bintan.
    Unfortunately after day 1 there were three. At the moment they are together with the goeramis, but it is not ideal for the fish, and I’m going to transfer to a container 20l.
    Meanwhile, I have already gone through many threads here to find answers to my many questions.
    Chris 🙂

    faesz sabarudin

    🙂 Welcome


    @Chris: I’m glad that you’ve joined the project. I’ve already seen some pictures of your wealthy planted tank. Wouldn’t it be possible that the two missing Paro’s are continously hiding?
    I felt quite sure about the fact that they aren’t P. deissneri. It might be good to post some pictures. Some more experienced forum members are surely able to check my point of view.

    : welcome! Your topics about the P. harveyi and tweediei habitats are very interesting . How are the recently catched fish doing?

    Meysseman Chris

    Hi Steff, I am currently on leave, but next week I’ll start with the necessary preparations for the new container. I’m excited! I hope they survived. The current photos are the parish’s hard to see, follow new photos. You’ll hear from me. B)

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