

Are there other species traded in Europe presently

Home Forums European Trade Are there other species traded in Europe presently

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    Peter Finke

    Often people from different European countries ask me if I could give them an advice where to get hold of licorice gouramies. Sometimes, I know of the meeting of a society in Britain or Germany or elsewhere in the near future, but often I have no idea. If somebody knows of species traded presently in Norway, in Denmark, in Britain, in France, Switzerland, Germany etc.: please tell us all here. One never knows, whom it could help.
    Peter Finke

    helene schoubye

    I can tell you that I just today found out that there is a shop in Copenhagen offering for sale : Ornaticauda and another species which they call ‘Deissneri Bangka’ – saying it is a wild caught fish from the area of Bangka.
    They had the same – I assume – parosphromenus a couple of months ago, – its certainly not the ‘lancet-tail’ deissneri. I bought 5 fish then, – its more like bintan, but it is, I have to admit, I think a bit unusual, its seems to me to be different from the blue line types I have seen, or the supposed ‘sentang’ when I had those. Unfortunately I havent got any good photoes taken yet. Heres a very dark image, that I have tryed to lighten up.

    But it really makes me curious that its wildcaught from Bangka.

    This shop is usually really reliable. I have bought ornaticauda and parvulus there before, very good fish. Here is a link to the shop, – this is the link to the shop

    This is the link to the shops fish list

    I will be going there tomorrow to see what it is

    helene schoubye

    So I have been in the shop, and the fish were doubtful, – and condition not so good as expected. So no new fish bought this time.

    Peter Finke

    Since long there have been rumours of a third Parosphromenus-species living on Bangka island. But there has been no confirmation ever. Is there anybody outside in the networld who could say something serious on that issue?

    helene schoubye

    Again I can say that in this shop in Copenhagen there are being parosphromenus sold – reported this time to be Linkei (wild caught) and deissneri from Bangka (wild caught) – I spoke to the shop today, they say, yes, it is the same ‘Deissneri’ as last time, meaning the same as the one in my photo above, but it is still wildcaught from the area of Bangka.
    Their condition should be fine, I will go again this time and have a look at them.

    The name of the shop is Neonfisken, – the link (lagerliste akvariefisk)

    Peter Finke

    The fish shown at your photo above is not deissneri; it may be bintan or something relative to bintan.
    Hiroyuki Kishi told us some weeks ago that he found “the third species” on Bangka. But it is not clear what it is, nr have I seen any photo.

    helene schoubye

    I went to the shop, – the ‘deissneri’ .. well … – it seems like some undefined bintan, not clear.
    But the linkei’s, – they were so beautiful, very good condition and really nice fish. I bought four, – but of course now I think it may be four males :dry: …

    How do we go about things if you have two different groups of P.linkei (trade) – still not mixing ??? I am just unsure. I have that now.
    They are beatiful fish never the less, linkeis are linkeis 🙂


    I have acquired a group of the so called deissneri from an importer and the fish were in best condition but definitely not deissneri (as expected). They resemble bintan but we will have to verify.

    Christian Köpp

    Dear all,

    TropicWater had “P.Bintan” last week and it is on the stocklist this week at reasonable prices. I asked the manager if he knew more about the origin of this trade line, but he said it is impossible to find out in detail. So again buying these would mean to get another more or less undetermined species. Still, from own experiences – and this was confirmed by others, too – usually the condition of the fish sold here is very good.
    They seem to offer Parosphromenus from time to time – not regularly, but every 2-3 months or so.


    Peter Finke

    I aqcuired fish declared as bintan from “Tropicwater” some months ago. German Parosphromenus-pioneer Günter Kopic did also a little later. We both confirm our fish to be bintan, and they were (and are) in excellent condition. Offspring is already growing.
    Of course, we cannot guarantee the present fish to be surely bintan; but the company takes things serious.

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