

The source of the American licorice gouramis

Home Forums American Trade The source of the American licorice gouramis

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  • #3444
    Peter Finke

    I wonder, is there a major source of the licorice gouramis in the tanks of US-aquarists? Do they mainly come from the normal aquarium trade (which are normally wild-caught fish but without a clear knowledge where they come from), or is there a remarkable percentage of self-caught fish with a definitely known home-range? Maybe also there are to a major extent aquarium-grown fish of a higher filial-generation from originally either of the two sources, bred by fellow-aquarists and passed-on at meetings or privately? In our last census (spring 2011) the first and third categories dominate, but some years ago the second category had a higher share than it has today. Unfortunately, we lost again many new forms that had been previously imported in very small numbers privatly. This is one of the reasons why we try to widen the net of the friends of this genus.

    Mark Denaro

    I think most of the fish are wild imports through the aquarium trade. I know I have access to 5-10 species in a typical week through my regular sources in Asia. We see very few tankraised fish offered for sale or trade. I’m hoping that the formation of this organization along with the American Labyrinth Fish Association will help to encourage more breeding.

    Peter Finke

    I just read that you did it and founded ALFA! That’s it! Congratulations! Hopefully that will get things onwards!

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