

Census 2016 – oct – eng


Autumn Census 2016 Parosphromenus-Project

Census Oct 2016 Synopsis (link)

Commentation of synopsis and godfathers

Kommentar der Synopse und Paten

commentation du synopsis et des parrains


Interpretation der Synopse (von Benjamin Wilden)

English: translated by Dorothee Jöllenbeck

Francais: translated by Herve Gonin

We thank everybody for taking part in the census.


In general

In this autumn census 44 members participated. This is exactly the same number as in the last census. Though this – in proportion to our membership again is a very low rate, I have not extended the census period this time. After the newsletter concerning the importance of the census we had expected a higher rate of participation. Beside this I am asking myself how often I should sent out email-reminders. Normally we send one reminder at the beginning of the census period and one to tell that the period has been extended. I don’t want to extend regularly. Therefore I ask you to tell me, when and how often you want to be remembered. For this issue I will start a threat on the forum and look forward to your ideas!

Further on I want to thank you for the reports and the mainly very detailed informations about your stock. For this reason our census is more accurate than it has ever been. I thank you especially also for the 8 “negative reports”, and ask everybody else to show your interest in the next census, even without stock!

Further on some very popular species like P.linkei, P.quindecim and P. phoenicurus are very frequent and constant in our stock. On the other side P. deissneri has vanished officially. Also some other species like P. ornaticauda, P.anjunganensis,, or P. paludicola are in a very endangered condition.



P. alfredi seems, compared to the last census, quite constant, some members didn’t participate.

P. allani can be declared as beeing secured, for breeders and fish numbers are developing positively.

P. anjunganensis has been only reported by two members. Nevertheless this species has to be considered as highly endangered.

P. bintan further on seems to be one of the most frequent species, and has been reported more often because of new imports. Particularly pleasing is, that now the form „Desa pudding Besar“ has been added.

P. deissneri has to be considered as beeing lost from our stock.

P. filamentosus has been often reported. Also the high numbers of offspring are very positively. But the form „Ampah“ ist furthering only present with one member.

P. gunawani with a low number in stock, but the fish from trade seem to be real P. gunawani.

P. harveyi has been again reported less, compared to the spring census.

P. linkei is further on very secured. Again many fish and many offspring had been reported.

P. nagyi stayed mostly constant and can be regarded as secured.

P. opallios has not changed very much and is furthering reported by two members.

P. ornaticauda had been just reporded with 7 fish from 3 members. So the down trend goes on and the species is really in danger!

P. pahuensis shows a constant number of keepers . The many offspring give hope.

P. paludicola has again just been reported by one member!

P. parvulus didn’t change compared to the spring census.


P. phoenicurus again has been reported numerous.


P. quindecim is most frequent in absolute numbers. This species can be considered

as being secured.

P. rubrimontis has been reported by the same members as in spring. But the number of fish is still growing.

P. sumatranus is further on very critical. Fortunately one stock has been reported from indonesia, but the species seems getting lost outside of Asia.

P. tweediei again has been less reported than in the last census. We hope this has only been caused by memberswho didn´t take part this time.

The forms of „Parenggean“ and “Ayaer Hitam” are just reported by one member.