

Treating ich (Ichthyophthirius) white spot decease

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    Last Monday my 15 anjunganensis arrived.
    Well, actually 14 as one was dead on arrival 🙁
    All seamed fine, eating and looking healthy apart from this:

    I was away for two days and on my return yesterday evening i found few paros have white spots.
    Cant tell anything bout behavior or scratching.. they are in heavily planted 25l tank hiding most of the time.

    Only symptoms would be few pronounced white spots on the body of few fish.
    So suspect ich.

    Any suggestions on the treatment or just to go with standard: raising the temp (30c?)and pouring ich meds?
    Should I just raise the temperature and wait for w while or go all the way and start medicating?
    Would really appreciate help with ich meds. Would sera baktopur or FMC be better choice with paros???

    Peter Finke

    Sure it’s Ichthyophthirius? Or is it Oodinium? The former is very rare with Licorice Gouramis, the latter frequent. Relative big white spots or very fine white “powder”?
    And do you keep other fish in the same tank? One of those big tanks you wrote of?


    It looks more like grains of sand than sugar powder (for size reference)
    Ill attach some pics hoe it’ll help


    so this one has only one spot but few others have 3-4 same size

    Peter Finke

    Apparently Ichthyophthirius, as you presumed. I can give you no other advice than to use a normal medicine and treatment offered for that disease. I have no experience how it works with Parosphromenus since I have not experienced this disease with these fish. Good luck! Don’t rise the temperature above 30 degrees Celsius.


    Yesterday started in ich specific med ( basically malachite green) + raising the temp to 28c
    Will update on progress

    Pank Jit Sin

    Hi there Dezz, I’ve found that malachite green doesn’t work well with wild paros and bettas (in my personal experience only). Instead, I found that the combination of nifurpirinol and coppersafe, both at lower doses than suggested, help to eradicate ich and velvet within hours.

    Hope this experience helps.


    Could you please explain what do you mean by ‘doesn’t work well’?

    Fish are sensitive to MG???

    Pank Jit Sin

    Yes, fish like B.channoides, B.taeniata and B. enisae tend to die soon after I dose with MG. I don’t have that problem when i use Mardel Coppersafe and Nifurpirinol in combination.


    oook.. it’s kinda late now

    I’m in 5th day of dosing MG. So far all the guys look ok.. there are also two betta rutilans in that tank and also seem to be doing ok.

    I don’t think that cutting the medication now makes any sense so ill just close my eyes and hope for the best


    Hello, my first post and sadly I am in the same situation. I have only one pair of fish, but there are small shrimp in the tank. Each fish have just a couple spots. No other fish in the tank, and the spots were not visible yesterday.{I understand ich has several stages} What is the best recommendation? I can not find the medication mentioned earlier, the nifurpirinol. I am assuming I need to remove them to treat.Any help is appreciated.


    [quote=”Jit” post=349]Hi there Dezz, I’ve found that malachite green doesn’t work well with wild paros and bettas (in my personal experience only). Instead, I found that the combination of nifurpirinol and coppersafe, both at lower doses than suggested, help to eradicate ich and velvet within hours.

    Hope this experience helps.[/quote]Ok, I found the med, it sure is pricey! :blink: How much would you use in a 5 gal tank?

    helene schoubye

    Hi there waterfaller1

    The thread you are writing in is about two years old, – which may mean that the question you ask regarding how much might not be answered.

    I would actually advice you to create a whole new thread, and possibly describe your situation a bit more in detail.

    My experience with parosphromenus and illness is that ick is seldom with these fishes, – so you should really be sure that it is ick before treating them – and one or two spots to me is not very much to determine whether they have it or not.

    Please describe what the spots look like.
    Fish can have spot-like things, or small particles of something that is sitting on them and one can imagine all kinds of bad things which really isnt what it is. Ick shows up as many many small particles on the skin, – like if you dusted sugar on them. Not one or two spots.
    Odinium is another thing, – which also looks like small small dust particles, – and yes you could also find that. Probably more often than ick.
    I have never seen a paro with ick, – but I have had paros in tanks with boraras which had ick, – it did not spread to the paros. I am not saying they cannot get it – I just dont think they are prone to it.

    Anyway, if you wish to have some more comments and advice, please consider making another thread or at least tell us a bit more about what the problem is.

    Always also with medication you should consider that medication can really be tricky, – and a small fish as this, the reaction can really be quite the opposite than you expect and hope. So be careful with it.

    helene schoubye

    I would actually say, looking back in the thread, – that if you look at the fish in the photo, – yes, all right this fish has probably ick, but it is not the bigger white spot which determines that. If you look closely at the photo you can also just see that this fish is kind of covered with many many tiny dots.
    The bigger white spot is not a symptom of ick really – ick doesnt look like that.

    For what I understand your fish has some bigger white spots ???

    That could be something entirely else, – not nessesarily bad.

    You need to also look on things like – how are they moving their fins’ – if they ick or odinium you will notice that they are sort of moving the fins in a different way as if something is annoying.


    Hello, yes I can start a new thread. They were flicking off things in the tank yesterday trying to get them off. It is not an infestation, and does not resemble the overall dusting of oodinium. I will be back and start a new thread in a bit. The reason I brought this thread up was after a search, the photo was there which looked exactly like what mine look like. Figuring I probably could not get such good close ups of mine. I also thought I read somewhere here that going back to previous threads was preferred over starting new ones? Thanks so much for the welcome and reply. My name is Carole.

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