

What species or form?

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    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, finaly my paros male become colorfull and I was lucky to take them quite good pictures:) Maybe some one of You could help me with name of that species or color form. For me they look like some form of P. bintan but I’m just a beginner:) I must say that those fishes interest me more and more – since I have good source of live food – there is no problem with them ! Now I have all seven fish since end of June and they are growing very well..I also made small ( 10L) aqua for one pair of P. anjunganensis – my friend have them in his shop and no one is intresting of brown, small, shy fishes….but now I’m ! 🙂 🙂 Greetings!

    Peter Finke

    Martin, unfortunately both of your pictures are too dark to say safely what it is.It is a form from the bintan-complex, that’s for sure. And it is probably not bintan itself but most likely spec. “Blue line” from Sumatra which was imported in high numbers during the last years. Wonderful fish, in my view more beautiful than the nominate species bintan. The hitherto undescribed “blue lines” are most likely no “new species” but a subspecies or a semispecies to bintan, but I am not sure whether bintan itself will be a valid species. In any case there are a lot of variants close to bintan to be found on Sumatra, say spec. Sungaibertam or spec. Dabo or spec. Sentang. We must see especially the colour of the Caudale more precisely. With spec. Blue line it could often have a slight brown or nearly reddish tinge in the dark center. But often this is to be seen only later when the animals are grown up. And – alas! – there have been different fish already been sold bearing the name “blue line” in trade. The trade business is hopelessly overcharged with this question of determining the fish of the bintan-complex rightly: anyway, mostly they are sold as “deissneri” (which is nonsense, of course). Your fish are still rather young, from this year. Wait, but for sure: They are beautiful. I hope you have females, too? – And I give you the advice to buy the anjunganensis: They are easily to be identified and they are beautiful too and relatively easy to be bred.

    Patrick Guhmann

    Hello Martin,

    I think I have the same Paros as you in my tank…


    Tom Black

    Hi Peter,

    There is good detail in those images which can be shown with a little brightening. I don’t know if this will help with ID?

    Martin, I hope you don’t mind me altering your images, I will remove them if you ask.


    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, I don’t mind, not at all 🙂 Thank You for this job ! I would like to ask about this little black spot near pectoral fin. Is this spot is characteristic to all P. bintan group? I see this spot in all my fish including one female I have ( this one is for sure, she is as huge as males but without any fins colors)

    Peter Finke

    Martin, to determinate your fish is difficult for the best experts. I asked Martin Hallmann to look at the pictures (amended by Tom) and he says (translated):

    Its definitely not opallios, probably not spec. Sentang (which is more homogeneously coloured), so it maybe a local type of bintan (not Bangka, which is somewhat differently looking) or even a type of alfredi (which sometimes looses the red parts in its fins in becoming older; we have seen this many times). But since the fish is rather young this is unlikely. Probably a certain bintan-type.

    But that means a lot of open questions. The fish may come from the southern parts of western Malaysia (unlikely), from the locations of bintan except Bangka, or especially from Sumatra where we have been known many similar bintan-like forms in the last years. In my view (PF) this is the most likely origin of the fish since from there many of the (undescribed) trade-Paros of the last years have come.

    That’s clearly formulated, the problem has been confined, but is not solved up to now! So be proud: We do not know exactly what it is, but you probably keep one of the undescribed variants of bintan.

    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, thank You very much for this answer. I will keep try to do best photos.. I’m worry about one thing – since 4 of my probably 6 males, become “semi-adult” ( at least they become colorfull) they establishment their territories and becouse of this, my one female is still chasing by one of males. She is rather big and she eat well far now , but should I live her with only one male maybe? and move other males to second tank? My tank is rather big (100x30x15cm(water level)and well planted – but I’m worry about her.

    Peter Finke

    Yes, 4 or even 6 males to 1 female is a bit bad a ratio. And your tank is rather big (Couldn’t you separate 3 compartments?). But do I understand it correctly, the female is much bigger (and older?) than the males? Then you must wait a bit unteilthe amles try to display in front of the female. Then it’s time to separate them; gstringly ive her 1 or 2 males, and when one male is occupying the cave and displaying with the female, remove the second. Then you have the chance for young, but hardly with the ratio 6:1. As long as they are too young they will not molest the female, but soon they will.

    Patrick Guhmann

    My two males devided the aquarium in two parts. They display at the border and sometimes they have short fights. The female and the F1 female can swim in the hole aquarium but the female often swims beside and only mates with one (the smaller male). This male is more agressive than the other male. Perhaps the F1 female is too young for mating (6 months) but nearly grown up. It seems to my that Paros have a steady pair bond (feste Paarbindung), is it possible?

    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, in next month I planned to order new aqua special for paros.(my currently aqua I borrowed from my friend). New aqua will be 120x40cm(wide)x35 And it will be separated on 6 tanks 20x40x35cmm. Two of seperate glass sheet will be easy to removed ( if I will need 40x40x35 tank.)
    My female is the largest fish – it was that from the beginning. She is little larger then male(the bigger one) and that’s why I wrote at the beginning ( my first post) that I was confuse becouse of diffrent shape of my paros body – female was big and “wide” males were small and slim. Now 4 male grow up and looks better. They sometimes try to display in a front of female but only for 1-2 sec. then they chasing her. She seems to have no attention to them.. Probably she isn’t enought old..

    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, I made new pic of my paros – female and male. This time pictures are little lighter 🙂

    Marcin Chyla

    Hello ! now I’m watching first spawn !!! of my fish :):) few minutes ago I give them food but I didn’t find my female…. I was worry , I tought that she is gone some how – but I find her under the leaf , she is almost white and she waiting for male, he swim to her on few minutes interval and they spawn!:) I must get back and watching this again::) Greetings!

    Peter Finke

    Yes Martin, that’s it! They did it, you did it!
    A leaf is often the better cave, quite natural. In the home waters they obviously spawn very often below a leaf.

    Hendrik Wimmer

    Hi, what do you mean,is this the same species? I bought 10 fishes at may 2011 (aqua-tropica, Nürnberg) We named P. spec. aqua-tropica05/2011.

    Bye, Hendrik

    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, I’m affraid that this first spawn wasn’t successful – I can’t see any eggs or fry, but I used to this – first spawns often go wrong (in my experience with cichlids ). But “funny” and I would say “breakthrough” thing was happend… – In one of “Macropode” issue Peter Finke wrote that Paro-friends are simply recognize by the pocket light near their aquarium(s) – so now I’m paro-friend! I bought pocket light to see anything in this dark leaf-cave which my paros chosen to spawn:)
    p.s. more english issue of “Macropode” – it will be great thing :):)

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