

Completed Profile Information

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  • #3931
    Bill Little

    On the blog we are constantly talking about our water, our temperatures and our seasonal changes. It might be helpful to tell us all where you are located – country or country and city. Gender might also be appropriate – just a thought.

    helene schoubye

    Hi Bill.

    I would like to respond to your idea of that it would be really helpful if people would add a little bit more information to their profile, and I would like to say :

    This is also something we have been thinking about as we were building this site, – and I would welcome any ideas or suggestions as to how we could make it easier for people to provide more personal information about themselves.

    Perhaps a new category would be an idea – one of introducing yourself ?

    We have been talking about making a map, in which we could insert peoples location, but we cannot really do that without approval from everyone 🙂 .. – it has to be very much on peoples own initiative. But I would certainly be happy to make a map, and I might just put anyone there who by themselves said they would like to, – and I could also just make the location approximate, not with any specific address.

    Another thing which I think sometimes is needed in this forum, is for the different members to be able to contact each other, via email, – so adding an email would be really convinient also.

    I have also been thinking about making it possible here to be able to write personal messages, – and it might be possible to have this options, as well as other options to expand profiles, BUT to install this here is a little bit more advanced than I feel secure about, – so I have hesitated to do it, – but it certainly is possible at some stage, if and when its needed and seems purposeful.

    But as a start, – do you think it might be a good idea to have a kind of ‘Introducing myself’ category ???

    Bill Little

    In these things I think small steps are best. The completing of the location and gender information would be a good start. Then the option for a short “introduce yourself” option would be the next step perhaps. As we grow and get to know each other better, then we could suggest the introduction of direct email. Other sites often refer to this as “offline” or PM (private messaging).
    I would like to thank you, Peter and a number of others that have worked very hard to put this site together in a very short period of time. The ability to have the English translation is particularly helpful to those of us that are unable to communicate in German. I. for one, appreciate all your hard work.

    helene schoubye

    Yes, I think you are right, – small steps will do fine, – and a good start is to fill in the profile.

    After that, I actually think an introduction category also could be interesting, because it can be an opportunity to tell everyone about your interest in parosphromenus, your experience, fish and other things.

    The rest is for the future 🙂 ..

    Regarding the work on the site, thank you, – I think it has all been carried by an enthusiam for the small fishies 🙂 .. just as all of you people who are participating here and using the forum, – for which we really are very very happy as well. The activity of the forum is really what makes the site alive, – So thank you for that as well.

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