

The Christians celebrate Christmas

Home Forums Asian Scene The Christians celebrate Christmas

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  • #4012
    Peter Finke

    In a few days the Christians celebrate Christmas and a week later most of us celebrate the beginning of a new year.
    We in Europe have the old tradition of sending greetings to our friends. Therefore, I do this at this place, too. Let us hope that 2012 will be a year of peace and happyness for as many people and peoples as possible in the world.
    And let us work in the new year for the living and surviving of our licorice gouramis, too. I am confidential as our Parosphromenus-project is concerned. Probably, we cannot stop the futher logging of the remaining rainforests, but we can participate in making the world to become finally aware of the biggest problem for that huge biodiversity in south-east Asia. Maybe, we see a new language-version of this website emerging (Chinese?!) and we can welcome new friends in our world-wide network!
    So, best wishes to all of you, if Christian or not.

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