

New Issue of “Amazonas” on Parosphromenus

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    Peter Finke

    In April, a new issue of the “Amazonas”-journal will appear with four articles on Licorice gouramis (by M. Hallmann on system and behaviour, G. Kopic on breeding techniques, H. Linke on habitats and P. Finke on the Parosphromenus-project). The language will be German. The editors of the new English-language edition of that journal have promised to publish an English version later (This year? Next?).
    Here is the cover:

    Felix. K

    I have heard the Parosphromenus issue will be released next month. Because of this reson i took a look on their website and found the Information: “Die nächste Ausgabe erscheint am 24. Februar 2012 /Titelthema: Pracht-Guramis

    Kennen Sie die Labyrinthfischgattung Parosphromenus? Wissen Sie, wie hübsch, spannend und interessant diese Zwerge sein können? Diese und noch viele andere Fragen können wir Ihnen in unserer nächsten Ausgabe beantworten.”

    Peter Finke

    Thank you very much, dear “Oberhausener”, for correcting my wrong Information. I confirm your correction: the New Edition including the articles on Parosphromenus will appear this month (February) at the 26th already. I got the months wrong, sorry. (You should know that we have prepared the articles last summer already).
    In the last days I was in contact with all the authors, yesterday I saw Günter Kopic as the last one in Bamberg (Bavaria). All are quite pleased with the result. Since I have organized that special issue I am a bit disappointed that some of my additional informations on the authors, on the fate of the name “deissneri”, on breeding advice or on our Parosphromenus-Project have been shortened or even omitted by the editors for space’s reasons, but the rest will be quite nice nevertheless. And the information on our Project has been updated in the meantime; I even could include the information on the forthcoming Chinese version …).
    So, it’s only a fortnight to wait, and it will have appeared!

    Felix. K

    If the authors are pleased with the result it could not be too bad 😉 Did they only shortened your part of the texts?
    For me as a beginner not only in Parosphromenus but Freshwater Fish in general it will be interesting to read the articles. Maybe more interesting than the text it will be to watch the photos printed on paper. Until now i have only seen photos of Licorice gouramis on the Internet. I hope the photos are in good quality and show a lot of different species. For me as a beginner different species presented together would be nice. I know the magazines and there is not much hope to see all species printed in something like a little Lexika. I could not remember to see this in a german fish magazine ever.
    Of course it will be great in the end with all those experts involved.
    Will be interesting to watch the increasing of Hits on the website after the publishing of the issue.

    Felix from Oberhausen (Germany)

    Peter Finke

    They shortened all articles, but my colleagues were less aroused by that than I was. (In fact: the reader will not realize anything). It’s a good collection, anyway. There will be some nice photos of species and habitats, but this is not the main point.
    Our friend David Armitage prepares an English language booklet on Parosphromenus with texts and pictures from this website. Martin Hallmann and I prepare the first book ever exclusively on Parosphromenus (to appear in the “Natur-and-Tier-Verlag, Münster, Germany) later this year (we hope). It will be rather comprehensive.

    Peter Finke

    I forgot to add a critique of the front cover of that AMAZONAS-journal on Parosphromenus. It looks quite nice, but there is a flaw to be recognized: It was designed by a graphic specialist but not assisted by a specialist on Parosphromenus. Although I was asked to organize, select and edit (revise) the articles by the four authors, I was not involved in the selection of the pictures for the front cover nor in it’s design. I would have given the advice if three fish were to be taken it should be three different species.
    Which are the three species pictured at the cover?
    That one at the bottom is quindecim, clearly to be recognized. That one at the top is to be recognized equally easily by all who really know the species (most don’t), it’s the real deissneri. Everybody who knows our project’s homepage’s starting page will know, too: it’s the same picture as we display there presently. But what is the species in between the two?
    Everybody who has knowledge of the latter species will clearly see that it is deissneri, too. The separate markings of the dorsal, the caudal and the anal are unequivocal, even although one does not see the end of the caudal (the filament).
    I was impressed by the good graphics, too, and did not recognize that feature at the first glance. Yesterday the author of the photos basic to that graphics, Horst Linke, phoned me and called the fact to my attention. Of course, this displaying three fish of two species is not the optimum solution from a specialist’s point of view; there would have been enough splendid photos of other species to arrange three fish of three different species for such a graphic cover. Admittedly, it’s not a “mistake” or worse, it’s a shortcoming only. I hope what is to be read inside that issue will repair that stupidity. In less than two weeks time it can be judged.

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