

Paro ‘trap’

Home Forums European Methods Paro ‘trap’

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  • #4349
    Tom Black

    Hi all,

    A bit of a funny one this…

    I’ve recently set up a separate breeding tank for my Paros, and have been moving them across from the big (90cmx90cm) tank. I’ve had no problem catching the males, by floating a film cannister on the surface, waiting for them to investigate it, then netting it out.

    However, the females are much less interested in the cannister, and are generally much more secretive than the males. Does anyone have any cunning ideas for a ‘trap’ of some sort? I really want to avoid having to tear down the tank to find them, as it would take an entire weekend to do that and replant everything.

    I await your genius suggestions with baited breath 😆


    Peter Finke

    O Big Tom, don’t you have an easier question? I am entirely unable to give you good advice on a “trap for females”. And I doubt that anybody could be able to do so.
    Perhaps try a normal catching device. The licorice are no fast swimmers, you will get a female by time without damaging your fine landscape.

    Tom Black

    Hehe, it would appear I have the great Peter Finke stumped 🙂

    I’ve found that Paros can be surprisingly speedy when they need to be, but will keep trying… just finding them is the most difficult thing at the moment, I haven’t seen any for days.

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