

Parosphromenus nagyi, Chini

Home Forums Global Breeding Parosphromenus nagyi, Chini

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    Nicolas BUISSON

    Hello guys,

    I am just back from Malaisia, with some fishes 😉
    I found a Parosphromenus nagyi in the small village of GUMUM
    Photos :

    With those Paros, we found Luciocephalus pulcher, Sphaerichthys osphomenoides, Nandus nebulosas, Trichopsis vittata, Pagio kuhlii, half bec, and a lot of others fishes.
    See you tonight for fresh photos 😉

    Steffens, Sylvia

    Very interesting, nice photos!

    Do they look different than other nagyi species when they show “normal” colours?

    Peter Finke

    Nicolas sent me this news some days earlier already still from Malaysia. As I hear from him all caught fish have been safely transferred to Europe. Very good, Nico!
    But there are two questions left:
    1. The question of Nathea, especially do the males resemble the Kuantan-type (with short caudals and a white band in the caudal) oder the Cherating-type (with longer caudals and a blue band in the caudal)? Or do they represent still a third type?
    2. The pH (see photo) is markedly higher (7.42) than mostly measured and conveniant to black-water fish. I assume this to indicate a severely influenced milieu by human interference. I do not think that the fish will survive this conditions longer than one or two years. They will not really be able to propagate here; the eggs will be destroyed by bacteria before hatching. If there are nagyi to be found for a longer time, they will come from a distant source area still unspoiled by plantations or other noxious threats, I guess.

    Nicolas BUISSON

    Sorry sorry, I am late !
    So they have the phenotype of P. nagyi of Kuantan, they are white, photos at home :

    Bill Little

    Good to see them out of the collection bottle. It appears photo #2 is considerably different from the three remaining photos. Is it just lighting? Do these fish match up with either of the other two variations previously collected or do we now have a third variation?

    Nicolas BUISSON

    Yes they are better in their new tanks (3 tanks of 25L) 3 pairs by tanks yes but I think it is a young, I do not really know this spieces, it is my first nagyi. for the variation I do not know. I will do more photos this week end.


    I caught them with Nico last year and caught again some during august this year.
    I know a man who caught some before 1990 at the same place.


    Oops i forgoted …
    I’m David Charmillon, i like to keep and bred (or try to breed 😉 ) fishes.

    I like to travel in Asia and i spent 3 times in Malaysia since year 2000.
    I hope i’ll have a new trip with my friend Nico in Borneo on 2015.
    Nico open my eyes for paros but i like Big yellow betta, Waseri group and others Osphromenoidae too.
    At this time I have some P linkei and P nagyi.

    I ‘am on the the people who manage Osphroclic, the CIL-IBSC keeping fish list :

    My english is very bad but i can speack fluantly when i drink beer …


    Nicolas BUISSON

    Yes, thank you to not speak about me like the devil who multiplies your tank number by 3.
    Yes , David is my fish partner. We found those nagyi two years ago in Malaysia.

    helene schoubye

    🙂 Very nice to have these reports from you about the p.nagyi brought from Malaysia. I have myself a species of p. nagyi ‘kuantan’ – which I happened to get through my local fish shop, as wild caught nagyi two years ago. They managed to breed and I have a good many of them now. They look a lot like yours.
    I also have a p. nagyi ‘cherating’ which I got from Christian Hinz who caught them himself a couple of years ago also.


    I caught some nagyi near Kuantan close to the highway from kuantan to pekan. This species can be found on the north. I didnt caught them in cherating but in Terrenganu, Cukai district.

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