

P. alfredi latest development


For each species we now start a con­tin­ual doc­u­men­ta­tion of the infor­ma­tion which is gath­ered over time. This we have decided to do because it is becom­ing increas­ingly clear, that the devel­op­ment and changes in the nat­ural habi­tats, and in the occur­ance of the species are hap­pen­ing rapidly. We find it impor­tant that we doc­u­ment as much infor­ma­tion as pos­si­ble in order to estab­lish a rel­a­tive clear pic­ture of what is happening.

The resources of infor­ma­tions are many and var­ied, so infor­ma­tion often becomes spread around on the inter­net and is not col­lected in one place. These infor­ma­tions can come from reports from the local areas, of local experts who observe changes hap­pen­ing, from pri­vate col­lec­tors and local enthu­si­asts who posts on face­book, or it can come from arti­cles, sci­en­tific stud­ies in the fields and many oth­ers. It is there­fore not just one coher­ent report we attempt to make but rather a gath­er­ing of many sources of infor­ma­tion, with the excact men­tion of dates and source of infor­ma­tion. We will how­ever, often not men­tion spe­cific loca­tions pre­cisely, as we wish to pro­tect these as much as possible.

We hope to con­tribute this way to the con­tin­ual increase of under­stand­ing and knowl­edge of the extreme threa­thened sit­u­a­tion of the parosphroe­menus species.


Dis­tri­b­u­tion area

West­ern Malaysia, Johore, area of Kota Tinggi, Mawai and Desaru. Orig­i­nally occur­ing in peat for­est swamps, but today it only exists in its rem­nants. The species can partly still be found there in streams and brooks or in road­side canals altered by development..


Extremely high.

Large parts of the orig­i­nal range are no longer hab­it­able for the species.

Even the for­mer aquar­ium stocks are almost extinct so the remain­ing fish deserve renewed atten­tion and breed­ing efforts.


Jan­u­ary 2019

In an arti­cle in the British Mag­a­zine ‘The Labyrinth’, — as well as in the ger­man IGL ‘Der Makropode’ — pro­fes­sor Peter Beyer tells about the obser­va­tion which he has done in the area of Sedili, on a recent trip to the area. This arti­cle points to the dis­turb­ing fact that in the orig­i­nal area of P. alfredi, Sedili, it seems that it has for some years now not been pos­si­ble to find P. alfredi. On the other hand, the area seems to have been taken over by the other species of Parosphromenus P. nagyi. The rea­sons for this remains inex­plic­a­ble. You can find a link to the arti­cle here.

WHAT HAS HAP­PENED IN SEDILI — research on the sit­u­a­tion of Parosphromenus alfredi by Peter Beyer

AAGB Labyrinth 191 decem­ber 2018 p. 10 – 15

Feb­ru­ary 2019

In a post on Face­book, Mohd Illam Nor­bakim Lok­man, Malaysia, (Ichthy­ol­o­gist kam­pung style) doku­ments as well, the same prob­lem, about the apper­ant dis­s­ap­pearence of P. alfredi from its nat­ural and orig­i­nal habitat.

With his per­mis­sion we here show some pho­tos of the sit­u­a­tion he reported form the area. (See underneath)