

P. harveyi latest development


In 2018 the Parosphromenus Project was contacted by Aidil Mohd Shameen, who wished to contribute to our work by monitoring the particular area of ‘Selangog Forest’ and keep us informed.

Aidil Mohd Shameen lives in this area, and is one of the local experts of the natural habitats of not only parosphromenus species, but many other Malaysian native species.

We will upload information here, as we get it, – and it serves as a quiet and citizen-science approach,  highly important way of keeping in touch with this particular area.

November  2018: Reporting a total of 18 speciments catch over one day, most juveniles. The conditions of the peat swamp stable, yet with oilspills. No sign of deforestation or disturbance of the swamps

December 2018:  4th december 2018, on another population survey of the p.harveyi habitat. A total of 28 speciments was found. 9 confirm males, 13 confirm females and 6 juveniles. Other fish include 37 speciments of betta livida and 6 chocolate gourami along with other barbs and rasboras.  There are sign of oil spill on the surface of the water from road construction..The forest is still ok with no sign of deforestation.