

behaviour of different species

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  • #4692
    Patrick Guhmann


    Comparing my P. pahuensis with my bintan-like Paros the pahuensis are more active and are not as territorial. P. cf. bintan is shy and hides more and they attack other Individuals getting to close. P. pahuensis often swims around in groups and they are not shy. When I open the cover of the aquarium, they all swim to the place I put food in – P. cf. bintan would never do this. P. bintan always uses caves to breed, P. pahuensis breed in caves or in dense vegetation sometimes directly under the surface. Larvae of both species hide under the surface, they move to the ground at the time they get stripes. Can you say the behaviour of both species is typical (for species), or depends it on Individuals, aquarium and so on?
    Perhaps you can tell us the behaviour of your Paros so we can compare different species…

    helene schoubye

    I am sure there are difference in the behaviour of the different species, – I experience that too.
    F.ex. my P.nagyi’s seem quite bold and not shy, whereas the harveyis seem to be much more ‘secretive’. A pair of p.harveyi can sometimes be in a small tank and I really dont see them, they keep to the back. But then again, I also must say, that when I put my excess p.harveyi males in a bigger tank with circulation and some small boraras, then they are not as shy. So I think it can also have to do with the way they are kept, or the influence of dither fish.

    The P.nagyi – my experience with those are that they are not timid, – and the males are very eager and as I described above ‘bold’, – very charming, always on the look out for a female. They remind me – in behaviour – a bit of the P.parvulus males – these I find also very eager and not so shy as I first assumed.

    I havent found that there are so many diffencies regarding the preferred place of nest-placing. My paros – whether nagyi or parvulus, or harveyi have sometimes used pre-made caves, at the ground, or at the surface, – to me it seems rather individual where they choose to build the nest.

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