

Paros tank #1

Home Forums American Pictures Paros tank #1

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  • #4706
    Ted L. Dutcher

    Here is a pic of my first set up. It is a 20 gallon long tank divided to make 3 approx 6.5 gallons each. I will be doing another setup soon, since I have another 20 gallon long. I had to lighten the pic a bit, the tannins make it darker (not good photo)
    Your comments are welcome.

    helene schoubye

    It looks good though, I think its a good way to use those a little larger tanks. I hesitate though because I am not sure how to do the separation ‘walls’ 🙂

    off topic : Ted, I have send you a private message, but I think you havent noticed it. There should be a little green envelope telling you so when you log in (at the frontpage) .. 🙂 please have a look.

    Ted L. Dutcher

    Thank You Helene,

    The dividers are plexi-glass or lexan or anything similar would work. I spray painted one side of each green. They are held in place by silcon caulk, must use pure silicone (rubber) they are safe for tanks. I can drain any section and they hold up well.(slight bend). I sealed them comletely, sides and bottom in case of possile disease or to maintain different water parameters. Our 20 gallon tanks are 30 x 12 x 12 inches, so each section is approx 10 x12 x12. I get the tanks when local store has them on sale at $20.00 each!! or used!!

    ps: answered your email…the address was missing an “s”.

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