Instead of lone fighters we have teamwork now
In 2010, the steering group was created as an administrative team for the project, after it had appeared in the first five years, that duties had become too demanding for an individual and also required different fields of competence. Besides, it was found necessary not so much to name the members of the steering group globally, but those in relative proximity to each other, so they could gather yearly once or twice for a meeting and consultations.
Founder of the project is Peter Finke, up to his retirement in 2006, Professor for science theory and cultural ecology at the university of Bielefeld (Germany). There he collected many experience with the organisation of international research networks. He personally knew the founder of the Parosphronemus-hobby, the late physician Dr. Walther Foersch, visited him for he first time when as a student and on that occasion got his first Parosphromenus.
Today he has succeeded in bringing together most of the leading Parosphromenus experts into this conservation network.
In 2018 Peter Finke has withdrawn from the active management of the Parosphromenus Project, but remains its founder and ideological adviser and leader.
The project management is from 2019 continued in a joint effort by Benjamin Wilden (Germany) and Helene Schoubye (Denmark)
The Steering Group November 2021
Prof. Dr. Peter Finke, (Germany) founder and schientific advisor
Benjamin Wilden (Germany) Project Manager Scientific advisor,
Helene Schoubye (Denmark) Project Manager, Public relations (homepage, newsletter, facebook)
Wentian Shi (China/Germany) Naturalist, Fieldwork leader
Rafael Eggli (Switzerland) Executive for Census and analysis
Christian Koppitz (Germany) Conservation
Brian Martineau (USA) Coordinator for USA
Kevin Marshall (UK) Coordinator for UK
Mathias Reinecke, (Germany)
Translation German to English Dorothee Jöllenbeck-Pfeffel (Germany)