

Black Worms

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    Ryan P

    Hi everyone,

    I checked the article on foods to feed paros. I did not see anything about blackworms. Are these suitable and disease- safe for the paros as the others mentioned?


    These are excellent foods! I bred them for some time but lost them. Paros go crazy for it.

    It’s a pity they are rare in the Netherlands, I can’t find a new starting population.

    Ted L. Dutcher

    Aren’t Black Worms too big? or, only for full grown paros? They get to 1 – 2 inches (2.5 – 5.1 cm)

    Peter Finke

    In Europe we are obvioulsy not using “blackworms” at all.

    Could anybody give here the latin name of that animals and tell how to breed them?

    Two inches is certainly too big for a licorice gouramy, but the adults can swallow rather big food. Larvae of midges (“mosquitos”, “glassworms”, etc.) are picked out of everything else, and they try they biggest first. Sometimes they are too big, but often they succeed. Astonishing. Nauplii of Artemia are good food, but as only food they are too small for grown up Paros.

    Bill Little

    The latin name for Black worms or California Black Worms as we sometimes refer to them is Lumbriculus variegatus. This species of worm live in shallow water marshes, ponds, and swamps, feeding on microorganisms and organic material. They live throughout North America and Europe from what I understood. We bring them in from California in large quantity and sell them by the pound or half pound to club members. I was told very early on that I could not feed them to the Parosphromenus species so I have never considered attempting to do so.

    Ryan P

    I was able to purchase my first culture of Daphnia today from the store! So I will try to grow the culture first (I have probably 100 in a jar) and once I have a sizable portion, will start feeding to the paros. I chose not to purchase the blackworms until I knew if they were suitable.

    Stefanie Rick

    [quote=”bartian” post=1461]These are excellent foods! I bred them for some time but lost them. Paros go crazy for it.

    It’s a pity they are rare in the Netherlands, I can’t find a new starting population.[/quote]

    I don’t know whether it’s allowed to post such a link here – please delete it, if not.

    Here you can get a new starting population – I suppose it’s no problem for them to send it to the Netherlands.

    For Peter: Zuchtanleitung u.a.


    They sure eat it, even young ones. The worms are very thin so they fit in perfectly.


    Thanks! I’ll give it a try when I have found a good growing substrate.

    Stefanie Rick

    [quote=”bartian” post=1471] I’ll give it a try when I have found a good growing substrate.[/quote]

    Bartian, on the website where you can order the starting population they recommend not to use any organic material as ground cover for the breeding tank, but synthetic material, such as filter material or a foam mat.


    Oh, I didn’t see that, only the second link. Thanks!

    helene schoubye

    Stephanie, as we already have a category in weblinks Food, I have added your link there as it seems to be a very rare shop selling live food cultures and therefore would be interesting for many people. I looked at their website and they actually even send live food cultures to Denmark, which would be very helpful for me.
    At the moment the only place in denmark in which I have found live food cultures has closed, so I get it from Sweden if not private. But sometimes it might be good to order some from a shop.

    We have not fully developed the link section here at the homepage, but this is one of the things we will do I am sure in 2013 🙂

    Peter Finke

    That’s good an idea to give this link. And we are grateful to Stefanie for this.
    I have some experience with this shop, too, an it is ambivalent but mostly positive. Indeed, there are not many shops offering live foodI and this one of the few, even offering some rare cultures. However, I once was disappointed by dead content arriving (Daphnia magna and Moina). But this was only once in a very hot summer. At other times they arrived live (Moina and Paramecium and Rotatoria).
    We should collect such addresses in our link section, even for other countries.
    Here is another German one specially for Moina: see

    Stefanie Rick

    I found another web shop who ships it’s goods in the whole EU at reasonable prizes.

    They offer even smaller lots of live food and also have Lumbriculus variegatus in their product range. Click here.

    Maybe this is another useful address for the “weblinks” section.


    I bought some worms from the site you recommended. I’m quite pleased with what I got and harvested last week for the first time. A succes! Thanks for the tip!

    Stefanie Rick

    Hi, Bartian,

    thank you for the feedback!

    I haven’t bought Black Worms there yet ……… I think I should try it …

    How do you keep them, actually?

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