

Poland – P. deissneri, P. sp(?)

Home Forums European Trade Poland – P. deissneri, P. sp(?)

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  • #4943

    P. filamentosus and P. anjunganensis are going to be shipped to Poland in weeks to follow.

    They will be quarantined and held in Wrocław – Poland.
    More at

    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, several times I had information that, some of specyfy species of Parosphromenus will be avaiable. But, unfortunately it always ends on the P. sp.”bintan” group – most common one (this not decrease their value! ). seems to be seriuos importer, but I will belive (and purchase 🙂 ) when I will see them ..


    Info I aquired from

    Are you sure you’ll be getting P.filamentosus and P.anjungensis?
    -We are not sure.

    Are these wild?
    -We don’t know.

    How old are they?
    -We don’t know.

    How much will they cost?
    -Ca. 1,5-2,0 Euros (6-8 PLN)

    When will they arrive?
    -Airplane should be at Wednesday.

    Will you post photos after arrival?
    -Of course.

    How many fish will you get?
    -We ordered 400 of each.

    Peter Finke

    Sverting, this is really interesting information. I think that both species are possible; they have been imported before several times.

    P. filamentosus presently could be the new spec. Ampah: somewhat similar to filamentosus, less colourful (sometimes appearing “black-and-white”) but not less interesting looking. There have obviously been imports of Ampah called filamentosus. We’ll see. I recommend both – filamentosus and spec. Ampah – very much.

    P. anjunganensis has been less often imported, but it has; and it is very much recommendable to buy it, although it is a bit less easy to keep and breed. The water values must be respected more exactly as with filamentosus. But from the point of the project it is especially good to try anjunganensis because we have only small stocks of this fish.

    400 of each is a great number; too much I think. They won’t find enough aquarists for them.

    The fish must be wild caught. Nobody breeds 400 filamentosus, not to speak of anjunganensis. It’s the first weeks of the new breeding season in nature now; most fish will still be rather small.

    Please post the photos as soon as you get them. If there are some adult males among them we could tell whether both species are rightly determined.


    I will probably be making a joint order for Upper Silesian Aquaristic Association. I might dedicate a 12 litre tank for a pair of anjungensis, and a 45 litre tank for a community of filamentosus. also plans to ship Parosphromenus all around the Europe, since they specialize in wild caught plecos, and have enough connections to sell them.

    Stefanie Rick

    Hi, Sverting,

    they now offer “Parosphromenus deissneri” (what else? :whistle:) on their latest stock list. Are you able to take a look, or is it only mail order business?


    It’s in Czech Republic, so I can;t really say.

    Aside from that. The shop in Wrocław is able to get Parasphaerichthys lineatus, but it only comes in a bundle of 200. Price of the fish would oscilate around 6-7zł,(about 1,5-2,0 Euros). Anybody interested ?

    Stefanie Rick

    [quote=”Sverting” post=1648]It’s in Czech Republic, so I can;t really say.[/quote]

    Ah, sorry, Sverting – I confused the fish dealers. The link I posted is one of the suppliers my local fish dealer get his fish from. I saw his stock list and thought: Oh, that’s what Sverting posted ……….. Sorry, obviously too many links in my head ………


    P. deissneri is suposedly availible in Wrocław. And some other Parosphromenus sp. in Łódź.

    Photos of the “deissneri” were promised to me 5 minutes ago by the shop owner. He said, that he will send them in the evening. He seems quite sure of the species.

    The other one could be anything, the shop owner is kind of rough, but he also promised me that if he was to make some good quality photos, then he would send them to verify the species.


    In my opinion P.allani.



    If it is – nice find!


    The caudal fin in the first photo – the one on the top. When compard to the photo of P. allani I recognised the brownish-copperish patern with the black spot, I think.

    They are availible for 1,5 Euros in Wrocław. The next shipment of the same bunch is in two days. I’ll get some for the 112 litres aquarium.

    Peter Finke

    You cannot judge by those photos – most of females, few of males – the species. It’s simpy impossible even for experts. The fish have been photographed in unfavourable conditions, they are frightened and do not show the colours we need to say which is which.

    P. allani is nearly impossible. They come from only a few locations on Sarawak and have never been traded since about more than fifteen years. We had a few private imports only of very few animals. The breeding success was limited. They seem to be rare now in Sarawak (read the report of Chr. Hinz in our Asian forum, who visited the locations some weeks ago. The best is completely destroyed; there is a rice-field now. No commercial catcher has enough time to catch for a few fish).

    Until we have better photos a determination is impossible. You only could exclude many species.

    I doubt P. deissneri too. We never had them commercially. They are endemic on Bangka, and hitherto nobody is commercially catching over there. It’s not very likely things will change in near future.

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