

Shoaling behaviour of a group.

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    I am not sure what to make of it, but my Parosphromenus started shoaling. The whole 8 swims together.

    It started today. It’s been 10 days since the last water change. Water level dropped by 3,5 cm. The filter slowed a bit since it is harder to suck the water up.

    Any ideas as to what caused that and what does it mean ?

    I first thought that it might be due to hunger so i fed them with Glassworm.

    They swim in the corner of the aquarium, where the filter intaki is located. They don’t seem to be scared or agitated. Rather like if they were trying to see if there was something beyond the “invisible wall”.

    I’ll uptade the topic if after the water change.


    I see something similar to what is described above and show below in the video. My fish are actually a little more agitated in their swimming into the glass than the fish in this video.

    Edit, I now see males fighting and more normal-looking behavior. Still curious what the schooling behavior means.

    Peter Finke

    Nearly all young fish, cichlids inclusive, show shoaling behaviour before claiming individual quarters. Young Paros do often until a length of about an inch. And many fish that have developed a territorial behaviour already show shoaling for some days when introduced into an anvironment new to them. Your fish are young and are newly introduced in that tank; they must learn what a strange thing glass is. The Boraras led them to shoaling, too. But they will stop this behaviour soon if offered enough places for retreat.

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