

p. Filamentosus

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    I am new to this forum!

    My name is Gerhard and I have the same times the following question!

    I bought in Vienna Fichtnergasse paros, they were at p. Filamentosus written.

    However, I would like to know the exact name of my animals, and which water values ​​for the maintenance and breeding is observed.

    mfg Gerhard


    Ted L. Dutcher

    Hi Gerhard, welcome to the Forum.

    By viewing your first picture I can say that they are not filamentosus. Someone else more experienced will have to give you a better ID as which species you have.

    When you open the Forum look under the the topic SPECIES, it might help you out.

    Peter Finke

    Ted is right. Male P. filamentosus are easily to be recognized by the constant form and colouration of the caudal fin alone. Your fish are round-tailed fish of the bintan-group; the reddish tinge in dorsal and caudal may indicate opallios (there are opallios presently in European countries available) but it is more likely that it is different a species. The colours are not as intense as they must be for a more exact determination because the fish are not yet accustomed to its new home. Only with very good photos a determination of fish belonging to the bintan-group may be possible.


    Hello. I see very few species description. no idea why. what is better for my 2 pairs? 100x40x40cm or 40x25x25cm or 30x20x20cm? Now they swim in 160liter. paros are uncharted territory for me. 🙁

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