

Parosphromenus bintan

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    About two weeks ago, I was searching for licorice gouramis. They actually didn’t seem to available in my country.
    With the help of a forum member and after a small excursion abroad, last Saturday, I was finally able to introduce five Parosphromenus bintan in an established 60l. tank.

    On Sunday the two males and three females were still often visible, swimming around in group. Only a few days later, they’ve become specialists in hiding themselves, especially the males. It’s a quite a challenge to count and check them. I usually keep my camera nearby. Here are the first pictures:










    Best regards,

    helene schoubye

    Hello Steff and welcome here, – I can see you are from Belgium – I cannot remember either that there were someone else there, – but you should be close to some connections, either other memebers or shops in Holland ? I am glad to hear you found some fish.
    You photoes are nice, I like particular the first,- a very well looking 60 liter I think. But in a 60 liter tank, 🙂 I do think it will be a problem to count the pa
    roes, as you say they are excellent hiders


    I think that it won’t be hard to find bintans. I have 8 bluelines, probably bintan, and they are like dogs waiting for food when I am around. First few minute they stare at You waitin for food. Then it’s the best moment to check them up. After some time they return to their hiding places and act normal.


    Hi Helene and Sverting! Thanks for the positive and optimistic reactions. Indeed, last Saturday, I made a small excursion to the shop of a forum member in Holland. He even had some Parosphromenus ornaticauda for sale, but I preferred to stick to my plan: not to keep more than one species in a tank.

    Besides, during more than a year I had been thinking of buying myself a larger tank. It would have been nice for the many, small but active, rainbowfish I was keeping at that time. The 5 P. bintan make me realize that I’ve got what I was dreaming of: the (same old) tank suddenly looks huge.

    I will have to get used to their habits and behaviour, and so have they to mine. I’ll keep on feeding them on the same moments of the day, patiently expecting the day they will be waiting for food. 🙂


    You were at Betta’s Pride? Armin has bintan sometimes, but which form he has changes every shipment. Any idea about what you’ve got?


    That’s right Bartian. Armin was kind and talkative. He had two bintan forms. He described one form (only females) as being more yellowish. From the other form, he had two males and some females. These are the ones visible on the photos above. I’d never seen Paro’s before (except on pictures), so I relied on his experience.

    He told me that each of the two forms had been delivered by another supplier. I tried to find out what suppliers. Instead, he explained me why it would be impossible to retrace the exact origin of these wild caught fish.

    They are roundtailed types of the bintan/harveyi group. I hope one day, my pictures will allow you or other forum members to identify them better.


    Nice specimens! Clearly a bintan-complex member. I can’t say which one exactly, but the blue band in the anal fin is conspiciously narrow.


    As today the evening-sun was lighting up my tank, I suddenly realised it might be worth trying to snap some pictures without flash. Time for an update B)

    Best regards,

    Bill Little

    Very nice photos utilizing the natural light of daytime

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