

P. bin­tan update febr. 2021

Parosphromenus Series 4.1 P. bintan Is P. bintan simple blue? or is there another species in Bintan Island? For the new conservation project of Parosphromenus Project, we imported some Parosphromenus sample from Bintan Island. Collected by our local friend Oktavianus, who lives in Bintan Island. So they are supposed to be the original type of P. bintan. The story of Parosphromenus however never fails me. Always unexpected parts. After recieved the sample, I immediately noticed that the fish is not pure blue/black, the interior side of the main blue band is orange red. How could that be? I checked again the original paper in 1998, the discription of the live coloration does indicate that the proximal part of bintan is black. BUT, I checked the pictures of the P. bintan in the text, and I immediately noticed that there is obviously red pigments inside the blue band. So, now we are at a crossroad: either P. bintan is never pure blue as people believed for 20 years; Or, there is a second species/type in Bintan Island. I will update when the fish more stable.