

Spawn in vertical tube?

Home Forums Global Behaviour Spawn in vertical tube?

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  • #5585
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello everybody, I’m just in the middle of rearrange my paro tank and I placed my remaining paros in small 15L tank (rest of my paros were spread among other hobbyist – it was only one species P.sp.”Blue line”). I put to this tank many leafs and roots that paros can feel safe even in that small tank. I also put two of not working sponge filter (round one ) and one of them was placed vertically that hole in this sponge is on the top. Now I saw that one of male choosed this hole with vertical tunel on his spawning place! He swimm down to this tunel and female go with him..I’m interesting how he will build a nest? or mayby he will place eggs in the small holes in sponge?

    helene schoubye

    🙂 Yes, just shows you how eager these fish are to use any place suitable for nesting, – but if its vertical .. if I understand it right, – it may be difficult for the fish to have the eggs stay in the nest ?

    If so, – I would probably suply the tank with a better cave, – because obviously its a pair eager to spawn.

    But see how it works anyway 🙂

    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, exactly – I did a large water change and I have just started to give my paros cyclops from little pond near my house- I will immiediatelly change position of this sponge to horizontal….:)

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