

Strangely coloured specimen of P. linkei

Home Forums European Peculiarities Strangely coloured specimen of P. linkei

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    Peter Finke

    A very successfull German breeder, Stephan Menzel who lives in a peat region in the Harz mountains (with blackwater floating just in front of his housedoor) found a specifically coloured P. linkei– female among the offspring of one of the last clutches: it is nearly non-coloured except of the two black blotches on the sides of the body. Any other colours (the normally overall silverish or brownish tinge of the whole body, edges of fins, red dots in the blotches’ region, glittering colours of the scales) are very much reduced. We have observed this phenomenon with many other fish already: they are no “albinos”, but they are strangely pale and are often bred in this non-colouring as special forms which swim in many tanks).

    In this case there are two specialities: firstly, that is the first time we observe this with a Parosphromenus, and secondly, the black blotches at the sides of the body are present.

    Unfortunately, it is one fish only, potentially a female (it’s only about four months of age, so one could not be fully sure of the sex).

    Undoubtedly it would be interesting to breed with this animal (and a sex-partner out of it’s brothers/sisters). Stephan will be glad to post a pair including this strange specimen in some weeks time when the sex could be determined safely. Is anybody interested? He would even try to post it across the country’s borders if necessary. Now, in summer, this could succeed.

    helene schoubye

    I am not sure I understand why would it be interesting to breed this ?


    That sounds interesting!
    Do I understand well and are even the black lines on its body reduced, but the spots still present? That seems quite unusual…

    Peter Finke

    Bartian, yes you do: the black lines are reduced but the black blotches are shown.

    And, Helene, why should one try to breed with this fish? Well, in order to know about the dominant or recessive character of that feature. To say it clearly: I do not like any such variations as permanent inhabitants of our tanks (as there are many examples with other fish filling the tanks in the hobby stores). But we should know whether this is a single event in a single specimen or whether some sort of genetic hereditary disposition is slumbering in it. You may take it as a hidden danger.

    It was Horst Linke who told me this should be tested by trying to breed with this fish. And I think he is right although nobody of us likes it.

    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, few weeks ago I had a pleasure to meet Stefan and even purchase two species of Parosphromenus from Him (one more time thank You Peter for manage this meeting). One of them was P.linkei which already spawn in my aquarium (yesterday I saw few larvae in a filmbox cave). I have a plan to try intensive breeding method for one pair and I’m wondering that maybe such an “albino” specimen ( Stefan show me this female also) will appear also among my offspring..? During next weeks , I will add some pictures of my new parosphromenus because they are very beautifull and worth to show..:) Greetings!

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