

new law in Denmark regarding fish welfare :)

Home Forums European Trade new law in Denmark regarding fish welfare :)

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  • #5639
    helene schoubye

    Hi all.

    I have been approached by the secretary in DAU (danish aqarium union) because they are at the moment working in order to help the danish authorities with the implementation regarding a new law on animal welfare.
    Due to this law anyone who sells fish shall have guidelines posted, or available, for how to keep these in appropriate ways. They were at the moment working on the part which will deal specificly with labyrint fishes. I have been assisting a small bit with notes to this section which is being done by a biologist, and is very good and in details regarding water, food, conditions etc. – I have tried to specify the particular needs of parosphromenus as well as other labyrint fishes. As parosphromenus are sold in shops sometimnes (we know that they are) I found it good that their needs also be outlined, although of course I do not wish to contribute to much to the belief that paros are well suited in ‘normal aqariums’. But describing their true needs at least will help those fish who already are to be found in shops, and might make potential buyers aware of their needs.
    But theres also a wish that there should be good photoes in this section, and I have provided them with some of my own photoes which I have of the different parosphromenus species. But there are still some missing, – and I thought I might just first of all ask out here. If anyone with good photoes of the following species will give their permission I will let it on. These are :
    Parosphromenus allani, P. anjunganensis, P. deissneri P. filamentosus P. ornaticauda, P. paludicola P. sumatranus

    However, I do feel a bit ambivalent myself regarding the issue, – but my considerations are as above mentioned, – and hopefully to the best of the threathened species.

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