

My new P. cf. rubrimontis “Mimbon 2008”

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    Stefanie Rick

    I described the problems of their arrival in another thread.

    Here are the first pictures of my new P. cf. rubrimontis, still young, about 2,5 cm long, obviously completely recovered from their life-threatening journey:

    Hope to show more and better pictures in the future.


    good pics, gorgeous species B)

    Bill Little

    Indeed, we look forward to a birth announcement soon

    Stefanie Rick

    Still – no perfect pictures, but they are still shy, not easy to photograph – and I take nearly every chance to make photos, even if the glass is not clean or there’s artemia all around ……….

    And, believe it or not – there’s also a little female:

    Stefanie Rick

    So – now here’s the birth announcement Bill was hoping for ………… The “baby” on the picture (one the right at about one o’clock, above the male in his cave) is definitely not “newborn”. But I only had bad pictures of the very young fry, not sharp at all. So the birth announcement is a bit late – but nevertheless …………..

    Bill Little

    Congratulation Mommy … I was wondering if I was ever going to receive a birth announcement. 🙂 The little one is already pretty good size. From your comments you suggest you have more than one batch of fry at this point? Do you have any idea how many eggs you are getting at a time?

    Stefanie Rick

    Hello, Bill,
    no, I don’t think I have more than one batch of fry. I had already recognized the fry before but made only bad photos then – so I couldn’t make the birth announcement earlier, at the right time.

    I think now there’s another clutch in the cave. Normally the female is not to be seen, she is hiding in the back of the tank, while he guards his cave and surroundings near the front. But yesterday she was there, with a rounded belly, and visited him in his cave…………..
    I don’t look into the cave very often to leave the fish undisturbed but I had the impression of only small clutch size, about 20 eggs or so. You have to keep in mind that the fish are still young, the size of the clutch might increase in the future.

    Stefanie Rick

    Just caught my rubrimontis male in full courtship display. His behaviour indicated that the female couldn’t be far, somewhere behind or beneath him – but I didn’t see her until she backed away from out of the ground cover.

    Stefanie Rick
    Stefanie Rick

    My rubrimontis are the most aggressive fry I’ve ever seen. Not even the fry of my Badis fight whenever they meet – the rubrimontis do, being not even 1 cm long. And the tank is not overcrowded – there are never more than 4 young I see together, and of different sizes. And it’s not only the bigger ones which attack the smaller – no, the smallest are no better. And also it’s not the short encounter I watch in my quindecim fry, e.g., – no, the menacing goes over minutes.

    Every time you look into the tank you see two siblings eye to eye:

    Sorry – enlarging the fry means enlarging the mud ……….

    helene schoubye

    Thats a funny observation 🙂 … but good one. And good photos !

    Stefanie Rick

    Look what’s become of those quarrelsome babies …………

    helene schoubye

    They look good 🙂

    Stefanie Rick

    Some new photos of my cf. rubrimontis-“babies” ………..

    I still have one pair and one single young male – and do not succeed in getting a female for the single male. According to the spring census, there are only two of us which still keep this form from “Mimbon 2008”. Rolf, the other keeper, unfortunately has no single females, too – he has two pairs, and that’s it.
    So keep your fingers crossed for successful breeding of those three pairs left ………..

    David Jones

    Fantastic, Stephanie! Way to go 🙂 Very beautiful and healthy looking. Hope you are successful with them.

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