

Parosphromenus in Ukraine

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  • #6102
    Aleksandr Egorov

    I want to share information about Parosphromenus in Ukraine.
    A year ago, one Seller sold first several Parosphromenus to Ukraine. They were sold as deissneri.
    As is now found out, it is not. Here’s a photo.

    helene schoubye

    Hello Alexandr
    And welcome to the forum.
    Those are very good photos, – but may i ask – did you find out what species it is ??
    You are right it is not deissneri.

    Aleksandr Egorov

    Hello Helene!
    I asked Dr. Peter Finke. He wrote to me:
    “good pictures. No, this is not deissneri. I guess it is P. spec. Blue line” or P. spec. Sentang, both from Sumatra and close to P. bintan.”

    helene schoubye

    Yes, that sounds right.
    You can see a little bit about sp. blue line here
    The sp. blue line and the other that Peter Finke is mentioning is quite often discussed here in the forum, so I am sure you will also be able to find more on them in forum.
    It was a form which at some time or maybe yet sometimes is imported in larger numbers, – and they are yet to be fully described, – thats the reason we still have to call them sp.
    Unfortunately fish which are caught in Sumatra can often be mixed (from different rivers or areas) and that makes it difficult to precisely identify them. But sp. blue line or sp. sentang are really beautiful species, – but whether there is one or more sp. blue line species we dont really know yet.
    Not being deissneri is not unusual at all 🙂 , in fact deissneri is unfortunately only represented now in Europe by one single pair which unfortunately isnt breeding for some reason.


    Hello Alexandr

    very nice pictures !
    Parosphromenus with pygmaeus and Danio margaritatus, are oK?

    best regards Uwe

    P.S. Welcome 🙂

    Aleksandr Egorov

    Hello Löffelseng
    Unfortunately, I do not have P.
    But Several people in Ukraine have this P. They had virtually no information on the content P.
    They all contained P. with other fish and caridina: Microrasbora Galaxy, Caridina japonica, Otocinclus, Caridina, Hyphessobrycon amandae, Microrasbora Erythromicron, Neolebias.
    Only now they have information about them. It is owing to this forum
    Therefore the person, who gave me this photo and others will make changes a future revision of Parosphromenus.



    i misunderstood,
    but the Pics are nice 🙂

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