

PH Meter

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    Robert Seuntjens

    Hello, my Name ist Robert and i live in Germany. I am a beginner and i just bought a cheap PH Meter. I am interested in what kind of PH Meter you are using and where you bought it. Thanks Robert

    Peter Finke

    Unfortunately, the cheaper instruments are mostly of no real use. The Hanna-instruments are good, but you must observe the storage (wet!) and the calibration. Otherwise you achieve wrong results. There are several good Hanna-pH-meters. One is a siple stick, another is a measuring unit which you put in the water connected by an electric cable to the indicating unit that tells you the result.

    Michael Kotzulla

    Hi Robert.

    After I wasn’t satisfied with visual tests, and after Peter suggested Hanna, I got me this device: HI 9811-5.

    As Peter wrote: Of course you have to calibrate, keep the measuring electrode wet etc. But I really like the feasibility to measure pH and TDS [mg/l] / conductivity [µS] with one device – and with a very high level of accuracy.

    Regarding my HI 9811-5: I got it at a very fair rate at an German online store whose name I can’t remember now… But I will look it up at home and let you know.

    Kind regards,

    Robert Seuntjens

    Thanks Peter and Michael. I just took a look in the Internet for the PH Meter of Hanna. It would cost about 230€ Like you wrote Michael, It also measures TDS. I just want to search if there is another Company where a can buy it a bit cheaper. That’s what the Internet is good fore :-))

    Best Regards


    Robert Seuntjens

    Ups, i meant 273€

    Has anybody made some experience with the Soil Aquacheck?


    Patrick Guhmann

    Hello Robert,

    Important is the electrode. I use Greisinger GPH 014 with the electrode Greisinger GE 106. The GE 106 works still in water with low conductivity. The Greisinger GPH 014 looks like “from the last century” but it is good and cheap.


    Arno Beißner

    my “normal” Greisinger electrode did not work properly with a conductivity of 20 uS. Then I found in the book by HJ Krause “aquarium water” following trick: a little KCl-3 molar add to sample water.
    A cross-check with an expensive WTW device / electrode then was only a difference of 0.1 PH. I think that’s ok.
    Has anyone tried it too?

    Best regards

    Gonin herve

    I use a combo Hanna pH & EC plus temp modelHI98129,I calibrate it every 3 months and it costed me only 120 euros.I used one for ten years before it failed and baught a new one 4 months ago.To me it is the best one and easiest to use and calibrate.

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