

Adult Paros eat vinegar eels?

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  • #6539
    Joshua Morgan

    Well, would they? Any other very easy to culture foods they would eat? Currently, the only easy ones I know of are grindals and maybe vinegar eels, if the adults actually take them.

    Davy Grenouillet


    my Paros eat Brine shrimp and Moina macrocopa.

    helene schoubye

    In my experience adult paros do not really fancy vineager eals, – there are possibly too small.

    Joshua Morgan

    OK…will the adults take microworms? And how do you culture moina indoors? I was thinking of having them (the moina) in two 10 litre containers with an airline, and with the moina being fed with greenwater and infusoria cultures.

    helene schoubye

    to be honest, I rarely use microworms for adult paros, – to me it looks as if they dont really see it, and dont ‘go for it’. If all my other food fails, I will feed them microworms, which I always have, – and I do think then the adult will at least not starve. But a preferred food I would not call it.
    Moina are excellent, – but difficult to maintain. Some years ago I had some cultures, and I had no problems maintaining them, – but the last years all of them dies off after a couple of months.
    I am sure someone will come around with some good methods, but otherwise you can search around here in the forum, or on the net in general, – there will be plenty of good ways.
    I have always fed mine yest (also in the good days)
    The biggest problem I think is perhaps the maintenance of the container they are in. I believe when I had success with them it was due to the fact that I kept them in small containers in af closed old aquarium with a tight lid and light on. Since I wasnt able to do this anymore – but have kept them in smaller, less light, and no closed lid – I failed.
    Nowadays I dont have them

    Joshua Morgan

    In that case, would a bbs/grindal worm diet suffice for the adults? I would raise vinegar eels and infusoria for the fry.

    helene schoubye

    grindal worms are fine, good size. But dont feed excessively, – have other food supply as well. Artemia nauplia are the best as ‘main’ food, and then supply with other live food every now and then.
    A diet only with grindal worms would not be a good diet, as far as I know, it would be to ‘heavy and possibly fat’ – Also quite difficult 🙂 .. grindal worms cultures dont grow that speedy …
    Whats wrong with artemia – its the easiest and the best 🙂 ??

    Peter Finke

    Moina are a very good food for Paros, and they are very easy to grow rapidly in shallow containers of two or three liters, fed by yeast or volvox algae (which make the culture less productive but more stable). Paros eat Daphniae too, but they don’t love them (too hard) and won’t become fertile by them.
    Black medium grown mosquito larvae are best together with small or medium glassworms, and from time to time Grindal. Vinegar eels are a good food for small young but not really for adult Paros, although they love brine shrimp naupliae. But they are too small as main food.

    Davy Grenouillet

    Hello Peter,

    Where do you find volvox algae? I use Hobby Liquizell for mine.

    Joshua Morgan

    [quote=”helene” post=3235]grindal worms are fine, good size. But dont feed excessively, – have other food supply as well. Artemia nauplia are the best as ‘main’ food, and then supply with other live food every now and then.
    A diet only with grindal worms would not be a good diet, as far as I know, it would be to ‘heavy and possibly fat’ – Also quite difficult 🙂 .. grindal worms cultures dont grow that speedy …
    Whats wrong with artemia – its the easiest and the best 🙂 ??[/quote]

    Sorry for the confusion…bbs are artemia, and is an abbreviation for ‘baby brine shrimp’. The idea was to feed artemia three times a week, grindals two or three times a week, and to have a ‘fast’ day on Sundays so that the fish can clear their systems. Vinegar eels would be fed for fry on all days.

    As for moina…would they eat infusoria cultured in a seperate container?

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