

Methods for extensive breeding in the adults tank?

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    Davy Grenouillet

    Hello all,

    what’s yours methods to extensive breeding? How to have lot of young in the parents tank?
    I have reproduction with my Paros and I want to make most juvenils grow.
    Maybe with a bredding tank in the adults tank where I can put the canister with eggs in, I don’t know if this method is good…




    Hi Davy,

    I’v never heard or read about the possibility of keeping a smaller breeding tank inside the tank of the adult paros. Wouldn’t that be cruel for the paro male ? The canister will remain visible but he won’t be able to reach and guard it in the way he’s supposed to :dry:

    Some of us prefer to put the canister with eggs in a seperate tank. I wouldn’t be surprised if they also have a third or even more, bigger tanks for larger juveniles of the same couple. It’s probably the best way to grow up a maximum number of paros.

    I personally keep the fry together with the parents untill they’ve reached a certain size. Only then, I move them to a bigger tank where they grow up in group. As for exemple yesterday, I moved 14 young paros of different age from a parental tank. They’ve joined their older brothers and sisters. And yet, today after a serious water change, the parents already seemed quite active again 😉

    Davy Grenouillet

    Ok tks!

    I know that it’s maybe cruel for the male…

    Here is the breeding tank:

    It works for males Betta albimarginata and channoides…

    It’s just an idea for Paros but not to try it.

    Bernd Bussler

    Hello Davy
    The best way to get as many pups she is put in a separate aquarium. I Breed for 20 years Paros and can say I’ve tried everything to cubs on to draw. I take the pups when they into the black larval stage simply go from the white larval stage out and put them in an empty aquarium that already a few weeks is empty and feed with Paramecium, later with Culexlarven and pond lining.
    So I raised hundreds of Paros over the years
    Greetings Bernd

    Davy Grenouillet

    Hello Bernd,

    thanks for your method. I forget the bredding box also.

    I’ve youngs Paros tweediei and youngs spec. Dua in their parents tanks. Youngs tweediei eat already brine shrimp with their parents, I’ve a lot of Ceratopteris cornuta in my Paros tanks and the youngs stay in.
    I need to find others tanks to keep Paros youngs.

    Bernd Bussler

    That’s ok if you let the pups with their parents it will get little pups high but that’s enough to go on. The aquarium should be well Planted or leaves on the ground set so that the young can hide. Want to get more young people who you’ve got to take them to another aquarium.
    Greetings Bernd

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