

Vid of my Paros

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  • #6707
    Pavel Chaloupka


    No matter how hard I was trying to make pictures for last couple days it was always complete disaster. My Paros are not skittish at all unless you show up with a camera near the tank. Than you have no chance to see them at all, especialy the one and only male that starts to show somewhat adult coloration. After thinking for a while I have decided to install my phone near the tank a left it there for like two hours. Than during feeding I was able to obtain this footage as moving around and taking pictures seemed[video]http://[/video] to never work so far. I had to use a pretty strong light that is not normaly there becouse the water is very black. So please be aware that the fish colors are much lighter than usual.

    helene schoubye

    quite lively fish 🙂
    The quality is not that bad in my opinion – when taken with a phone, thats really good.
    Beautiful male in there.

    Pavel Chaloupka

    Thanks very much Helene 🙂 We are not getting any closer to what species they could be, are we? The male def starts to have adult coloration, but he is not displaying yet, seems like he only shows agressive coloration to all the other fish as there are def no females that would be able to produce eggs yet. I am getting them Caridina simoni autofeeding next week 🙂 as I would love to get them to the best condition I am able to. I do 25% water change every day as its a newly set up tank and they seem to love it. Even thought I feed like 4-5 times a day (less than on the vid, I just needed them to stay on spot to get the footage) they spent most of the day searching for food all over the substrate. They nibble at something on the leaves. I badly want some more Paros soon.

    Davy Grenouillet

    Great video! Nice fish!

    Pavel Chaloupka

    Thanks very much Davy.

    Bill Little

    The ability to utilize cell phones to obtain quality photographs of our our fish has been called into question by many people. However with recent improvements in camera resolution and new hardware gadgets the possibilities are improving. In the last year telephoto/ wide angle lenses have become available for cell phones through a company in Hong Kong. They are relatively inexpensive and permit remarkable image quality. Attached is a photo of a small Gecko lizard that is about 3” in length. As you can see his head sits on the head of my index finger. We have many of the around my home and they live in the gardens. They move very rapidly and are almost impossible to capture. This little guy had fallen into a water bucket and was in a state of shock; therefore I was able to obtain the close up photo as he relaxed on my finger. His face is in good focus but you will note there is a very shallow depth of field. You can often find them on E-bay.

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