

Help with translations at the homepage

Home Forums Global Undetermined Help with translations at the homepage

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  • #7157
    helene schoubye

    Hello to all members at the Parosphromenus Project, and users of this Forum.

    At our Steering Group meeting in Hamburg this weekend we have spoken about different issues in relation to the Parosphromenus Project. One of these is the need for translations at this homepage. We started out by creating this homepage in 3 languages, and with the help of a few very dedicated people it was possible to have all texts translated, and to create the homepage as you now know it.

    However, it has become increasingly clear, that in order to continually develop and keep the homepage active and alive, – we depend very much upon a continued help with translation.

    We therefore ask in this Forum that if anyone of you would like to help us with translations we would very much appreciate it.

    The work itself concerns

    1. short and often quick translations – for exampel of a headline, a short announcement
    2. translation of longer texts, such as for exampel a new article, or an update of a text. This kind of work can probably be extended over some weeks and need not be ‘immidiately’
    3. Translation of newsletters and Census commentary. This is shorter texts, but often needs to be translated as quickly as possible, – in a day or so, not over more days. The texts though are shorter than articles.

    If you are able to do this, – or a part of this – and would like to become involved by helping in this way, please do contact us. We would greatly appreciate it.

    Of course, there are different combinations,

    From german to english (or in few cases from english to german)
    and from english/ german to french

    In general a knowledge of good english and good german is really important.
    We do not expect perfect translations, – but it should be of a certain standard of course.

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