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  • #7260
    Bernd Bussler

    It is finished. The first parvulus offspring floats. Thank you Helene, I will endeavor enables many parvulus to breed them to be disseminated widely to secure the stock. :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Bill Little

    As always Bernd we look forward to you success!!

    Bernd Bussler

    Thank you Bill
    I hope I have enough for the conference next year in order to distribute them.

    Davy Grenouillet

    Good job Bernd!
    One day I’ll try to find ornaticauda… I must to breed my little phoenicurus before that!

    Bernd Bussler

    Hi Davy
    I will try again to breed ornaticauda, yet I have a few ornaticauda, but only the food must be better, from November it will be cooler then there are Cyclops in the ponds. It’s like anabolic steroids …………….. 🙂


    Congratulations, Bernd!
    Do you think, in my garden there will be also cyclops in November? I fear to say that the black mosquito larvaes on my balcony are out (perhaps still in the garden some, I will go on wednesday..)
    the phoenicurus competition runs 😉 ….

    In shop they have marine copepoden, is that similar?

    Bernd Bussler

    Yes so similar they look, but are actually only in ponds, so larger waters.
    the phoenicurus competition runs??


    You have said it yourself – who gets the phoenicurus first to have offspring 😉 and cyclops for doping fertility sounds good 😉 ….

    Pavel Chaloupka

    Great job Bernd :)! Dorothee cyclops already starts to appear in my garden tanks, so if you do not have any, you may catch some an introduce it in there. This way you always have something even during the winter. I plan to have much more fish from next year on, so I will make some more small ponds from garden pond foil to have enough live foods.

    Bernd Bussler

    Yes true but mine are still too small, before March, they certainly will not spawn.
    But maybe we will get someone else feedback

    helene schoubye

    Yes, Bernd, – but this one couple will hopefully produce more now. And feeding so well as you do I think they will grow up quick 🙂
    With parvulus I am also surprised how quick you can determine what sex the fish has. The young males show male sign very early.
    I have 4 couples of parvulus producing fry, but havent breed extensive. I have only tried this one time with the p.tweediei couple just recently and I am curious to see how many fry this will give then. At the moment I can see many more than I usually get, so maybe this is the way to go with parvulus also 🙂
    Pavel, – I never thought about having cyclops in the garden pond, I have to try that too. Though my garden pond is so small it usually freeze totally over, but still.

    Tautvilas Laureckis

    I found some cyclops in garden pond few days ago, beside we had -2’C at that day morning. :whistle: I keep them at home aquarium along with ostrocoda, daphnia and other small creatures.

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