

My passion. My life :) Asia, Malaysia, Johor :)

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  • #7574
    Andrzej Kowalski

    Asia, Malaysia, Johor, 250x60x65

    Andrzej Kowalski

    Parosphromenus Phoenicurus, 60x30x30, 2+2

    Andrzej Kowalski

    Parosphromenus nagyi

    Andrzej Kowalski


    Andrzej Kowalski

    Betta persephone, 60x30x30, 2+2

    Andrzej Kowalski

    B. persephone.

    Mark Nazer


    Thank you for posting these pictures; I think your tanks are stunning and have given me some needed inspiration to set up some bigger Paros tanks.



    Andrzej Kowalski

    My new project : “Paroskarium”

    1) Parosphromenus nagyi , 60x30x30, 2+2,
    2) Parosphromenus deissneri, 60x30x30, 2+2,
    3) Parosphromenus anjunganensis, 60x30x30, 2+2

    helene schoubye

    Hello Andrzej
    Thank you very much for uploading your photos here, – as Mark is saying it is very inspirational to see photos of tanks that others have done.
    It seems you must have a lot of experience, those tanks have not been easy setting up.

    I have bigger tanks as well, – for breeding I keep them small, but I have to say that the paros in many cases seem to do better in the bigger tanks, – they grow well, they are more visible, – they also spawn. My linkeis have spawn just recently, – they are a small flock of 7-8 fish in a 60 liter, – and it is a joy to see how well they look.
    I also have had b.persephone with parosphromenus harveyi, – that of course is no good idea if you want either of them to spawn, – but they thrived really well together in a bigger tank. And sometimes it happens, – as for me, I have far too many parosphromenus offspring and noone to hand them on to, – so when I have 20 + harveyi and plus that 3 breeding couples, – well, then I really think it is a good idea to create bigger tanks as you have done.

    When you called your topic Asia, Malaysia, Johor …. does that mean that you are looking particularly to this area also in terms of other things than the fish ? I mean in what way are you using the knowledge from these areas in your tanks ??

    Andrzej Kowalski

    Thank you very much Mark N. Thank you very much helene.

    I speak only in Polish. There will be plenty of laughter :silly:

    Sorry 🙂

    In Poland is developing very dynamically aquarium biotope. There’s great interest in fish of the species Parosphromenus. Aquarium, hmmm ………… have been dealing with for 18 months. I have little experience.

    60x30x30 – aquariums are single-species.

    My adventure with the aquarium hobby she started from : Asia, Malaysia, Johor.

    Now my interest going in the direction of Parosphromenus.

    helene schoubye

    Anyway, – it looks great. Its good to hear that theres interest in parosphromenus in Poland, – I do know that we have some members there, – very good to hear from you. I am sure we will understand your english 🙂
    And laughter is always good

    So very welcome here 🙂

    Bernd Bussler

    Hi Andrzej
    I am glad it in Poland Paro breeders and lovers are. in the company where I work, there are Polish people could possibly take on holiday or traveling home Paros to Poland, we could supply “you” safely with one or the other type Paro? 🙂

    Andrzej Kowalski

    helene Google Translate works miracles heheheheheh

    Sorry 🙂

    Andrzej Kowalski

    Hi Bernd.

    For seven years I have lived in the Netherlands 🙂

    Looking Parosphromenus from the Malay peninsula.

    Parosphromenus tweediei ,
    Parosphromenus harveyi ,
    Parosphromenus alfredi ,
    Parosphromenus paludicola ,
    Parosphromenus rubrimontis.

    Andrzej Kowalski

    Asia, Malaysia, Johor, 250x60x65

    Fish :

    5+5 Sphaerichthys osphromenoides
    5+5 Parosphromenus nagyi
    10 Trichopsis pumila
    20 Boraras maculatus
    6 Pangio semicincta

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