

Hyalella azteca culture

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  • #7697
    Tautvilas Laureckis

    I know that here should be some people who are culturing this specie. Is it good for paros? Maybe someone could share expierence about this.
    Maybe it would be good to have any market section on the forum, for example, to share/sell live food cultures for other paros enthusiast, expecially for beginners?

    Photo and information link:

    helene schoubye

    Hi Yankadi.

    I have no experience with hyalella and paros, – but regarding what you mention about a section on forum, – if you look at the menupoint weblinks (left on the frontpage)you can see that we have tried to gather links to places where you can buy life food cultures in different countries.
    If you have any other good sources or places where someone who is looking for live food cultures can buy, or even find information, – you are very welcome to write this to me.
    I will add this to the link section then

    Tautvilas Laureckis

    Thank you Helene,
    I made a contact with few sellers, and got an asnwer, that it would be better to order live culture in spring, when the weather conditions would be more suitable for international shipping.

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