

Parosphromenus Anjunganensis in shop in Holland

Home Forums European Trade Parosphromenus Anjunganensis in shop in Holland

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    Jonette Stabbert

    If I’ve posted this in the wrong place, I hope a moderator will move it.

    I just stumbled upon this:

    Parosphromenus Anjunganensis price: 4 euro

    Info about recommended pH is wrong; probably other details as well.

    Edited to add: I see they have a two week waiting time for orders for these fish.


    Jonette Stabbert

    I looked at their site today and see their info about keeping the fish has been corrected! 😀

    Bill Little

    Interesting … P. anjunganensis showed up in the listing from the American importer this week also. It has been almost 2 years since I last saw them offered. I got 6 the last time and all turned out to be females. What are the odds??

    Andrzej Kowalski

    Please contact the store.

    These fish are there for a year.


    Jonette Stabbert

    Hello Bill,
    What a shame that you didn’t get any males. I’ve just contacted the shop with a number of questions, including whether they have males and females, and am awaiting a reply which I will share here.


    Jonette Stabbert

    Hello Andrzej,
    I decided to email the shop, rather than write. That way, I’ll be sure of no misunderstandings when I get their reply. I asked a lot of questions.

    Stay tuned…

    By the way, I know these fish are not usually recommended for people as their first Parosphromenus. I am very carefully setting up my aquarium and have read a great deal of info on keeping these fish. Would it be inadvisable for me to purchase them?


    Jonette Stabbert

    Hmmmmmf! :angry: I just received a reply referring me to one of their other employees. It looks like they very seldom have any Parosphromenus. Therefore, I don’t understand why they list it among their available stock! Well, I forwarded the correspondence to the other employee, just to see what he has to say. I will report back here.

    David Jones

    [quote=”Little” post=4882]Interesting … P. anjunganensis showed up in the listing from the American importer this week also. It has been almost 2 years since I last saw them offered. I got 6 the last time and all turned out to be females. What are the odds??[/quote]

    Bill, from what I have read, with anjunganesis, both males and females have color in the unpaired fins. This would probably make it more difficult for anyone to determine m/f differences when when the fish were settled in, but especially moreso, if the specimens were small and stressed. But sorry to hear you only got females. With the nagyi I ordered from WS, the “collector” (from the tanks) did a very good job and sent 3 pairs, but those fishes were of good size and m/f more easily determined. I’ve been waiting to see if WS lists on AB with a photo of the anjunganesis, but they have not yet.

    Andrzej Kowalski

    Hoi Jonette.

    I’m looking forward 🙂

    Jonette Stabbert

    Update: The Dutch have an appropriate saying, which translates as “He made me happy with a dead sparrow”. Meaning: someone offers something that gets you all excited and happy and it turns out to be nothing.

    The questions I asked in my email to the shop:

    I see that you have Parasphromenus anjunganensisis for sale. I have some questions:

    What is the delivery time? (It is unclear whether it is 2 days, weeks, or ?)

    Do you send these fish by post?

    Is it possible to order males and females (for purposes of breeding)?

    At what pH are you keeping the fish (so that I can start off with the same pH and if necessary, slowly lower it)? I am a member of the Parasphromenus Project and therefore aware of how to care for these fish.

    Do you expect to obtain other Parasphromenus types? Please inform me if you do.

    I wrote this because they not only had the Parasphromenus anjunganensisis on offer, but also listed several other types that were currently not available.

    The first reply came from Frans Veldhuis, whom I assume is the owner of the business. He wrote:

    This fish is rarely available, and then nearly always as wild capture. They’re difficult to keep due to the extreme water values. The males have colored fins, the females almost no color. Concerning orders, you can best contact our colleague Harry Scherpenzeel.

    I forwarded my correspondence to Harry and received a pleasant note from him shortly thereafter, informing me it was his day off but I could contact him tomorrow afternoon with a reminder. He wrote that he could contact some suppliers to inquire if they had the fish, but didn’t think it would be easy.

    The only reason I had contacted the shop was because I believed they had the fish and were offering it on their site. :angry: I am not personally interested in pursuing this, but if anyone is interested, contact Harry. If I can help, let me know. I plan to call Armin Schaefer to find out what he has in stock. I am very frustrated at not yet having fish! 🙁 Perhaps he has more of a “beginner’s” Parasphromenus type for me. My next step is to find transportation to visit him.

    Is there anyone in Holland who would like to go with me? (You need to do the driving. I’m in Amstelveen.) Or maybe someone else who has fish for me?


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