

Parosphromenus in Ruinemans.

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    Andrzej Kowalski

    Parosphromenus deissneri.

    Parosphromenus nagyi.


    Parosphromenus tweediei in Betta’s Pride, Gouda.

    Jonette Stabbert

    Hi Andrzej. Ruinemans is a wholesaler with specific minimums and pricing rules. I guess if people did a group buy, it would be feasible.

    Betta’s Pride is Armin Schaefer’s business. I assume he is on this forum. I believe he has the function of being the Dutch representative of the IGL.


    Jonette Stabbert

    I just googled “Prachtgourami”, which is the Dutch name for licorice gourami.

    Matavi in Meppel (Drenthe) has Parosphromenus deissneri:,5cm_3443.aspx



    Hello Jonette!
    I am sorry you already become impatient to get Paros.
    But a shop who offers “deissneri” does not seem very reliably to me. (Deissneri in shop is kind of running gag, they are very rare and very very seldom real)
    Did you mail your wish already to the Paro Distribution here in the project?
    I guess you will not be able to come to the international meeting in Hamburg this summer?

    My first Paros ( linkei) I got from Bernd Bussler at a train stop in Hamburg.
    The second species (phoenicurus) were spread by aquarium Dietzenbach in Germany over my fish org, I got 1.2 of them through my aquaristic shop in Freiburg.

    My third species , ornaticauda, was announced here in the forum to be available over Ruinemans. I asked my aquaristic shop if they can get some for me. I admit, this time I took 20, I kept 6 for me and delivered 14 further to Bernd on the next trip over Hamburg. (I live in the south if Germany, near Basel, Switzerland). But I guess my shop would have ordered also a fewer number of Paros for me, because they order other fish from Ruinemans too.

    Perhaps you look on the stock list from Ruinemans and if you find Paros, you ask the aquaristic shops in your region?

    Jonette Stabbert

    Hello Dorothee,

    Well, today I’m actually happy that I don’t yet have any fish, because I caught a dragonfly nymph in one of my aquaria! I’m always obsessively careful to examine new plants and wash them and isolate them several days before adding them to an aquarium. I will now be extra vigilant at watching my tanks for the following days, because if one hatched out, there may be more! :angry: I just received some new plants today, including Ceratopteris thalictroides, and they have been examined, washed and are now in an isolation tank.

    I have read other posts about “deissneri” so I know what you mean. I will call Armin Schaefer this evening and ask what he has in stock. He should be able to help me. If not, I will call Utaka, a specialist aquarium shop in the Netherlands, to see if he can obtain them via Ruinemans or his own importer (thank you for the suggestion). I am planning a trip to Utaka next week to pick up some Boraras Brittae and Sundadanio as my first tank inhabitants (providing I don’t have an infestation of dragonfly larvae and get my water pH right.) My osmosis set arrived today!

    It is very difficult for me to travel anywhere, so that is an obstacle to my picking up fish. But next week, I plan a little outing! :cheer: Monday will be too hot! But then it is supposed to cool off again.


    Jolanda Wisseborn

    Hmmmm Jonette, you are surching for any kind of species?? I’ m living in Beverwijk and get 2 pair’s of Linkei. 😉 from Hermanus.

    Jonette Stabbert

    Good morning, Jootje,
    I’m in Amstelveen, so that is not very far from Beverwijk. Is Hermanus a shop or a person?

    I’ve just learned that Utaka in Amersfoort can supply me, and am waiting to find out if there is a shop closer to me that Ruineman’s supplies.


    Jolanda Wisseborn

    Did you also asked Aqua fairytale, in Almere??
    They will also import requested fish if they are available.

    But Hermanus is a person.


    Hello Jonette,
    we forgot your dragonfly larvaes …. :unsure:
    I had them too – I think from plants too, did you read my thread about them?
    I had to lower the water in the tank and to take out all “deco” to find them all.
    But at last I got them out.
    I sent them to a guy who works in a museum of naturural history who had done a scientific work about dragon fly larvaes in aquaristic tanks. That work is ready, but he still has his dragonfly plant 😉
    I am looking forward if he will tell me in one two or more years if mine were the first german dragonfly larvaes he got, but I fear, they also were from abroad and therefore not allowed to be set out here in nature…..

    Peter Finke

    The newest and most complete work on dragonflies (Hansruedi Wildermuth/Andreas Martens: Taschenlexikon der Libelle Europas. Wiebelsheim: Quelle und Meyer 2014), 824 pages, ends with a chapter of the exotic dragonflies taht have appeared in Europe. Nearly all of them have been imported unintentionally by the trade with exotic plants for the aquarium. They mention 19 species of 15 genera.

    I such a case as is told here the specialists would surely be happy about a note and – possibly – a photo of the larva. See the website

    Jonette Stabbert

    Good evening, Dorothee,
    Yes, I read your thread about all the larvae in your tank. Sounds like a horror story! :ohmy: I haven’t seen any others and hope I will not have to remove my plants and wood. I have nothing living in my aquaria except occasionally a couple of evasive little snails. So there really is nothing for the larvae to eat, if there are others. I did a water change and tidy-up in my 54 l aquarium today and found nothing. I added alder cones for the first time and now the water is like tea! I will do my water tests tomorrow.

    This evening, I will do a water change and tidy-up in my 110 liter aquarium. I am not planning to keep Paro’s in it, but some fish that like acid water (around pH 6.5) That is the aquarium where I discovered the larva.

    Tomorrow, I will do a water change and tidy-up for the 20 l tank. I will be adding alder cones to it.

    I have put off opening the box with the osmosis set. Tomorrow. :blush:


    Jonette Stabbert

    Peter, when I was a child, I planned to become an entomologist and even qualified for a special summer tutelage by a professor when I was twelve. I later changed my mind and went into a creative field.

    I never stopped to think that the larva in my tank could be an invasive species! I did think about setting it free in my little pond, but decided it might attack my beloved salamanders’ babies, so I flushed it down the toilet. As far as I know, my plants come from a Dutch nursery. But it certainly is fascinating to think the beasties and their eggs that stow away on plants could be invasive species! I didn’t take a photo, so don’t think I could be very helpful to the specialists on that website.

    Jolanda Wisseborn

    Hmmmm for me are dragonflies also very familiar, 😉 always in that green you buy in the shop. The last time I had 4 of them in my tank. 🙁
    Just fished them out and put them in my pond.
    I also just let grow one to a big adult. :blush:
    But I always get them out of my fry tank, the site a big dragonfly larve with fry in its mouth isn’t what I like to see :S

    Jonette Stabbert

    Update: in total, I caught 5 Damselfly larvae (in Dutch: Waterjuffer, een smaller, thinner kind of libelle). The first one was the largest. Several days later, there was a winged one, dead (probably from the lamp) floating on the water and a second winged one, alive but very weak by the lamp. These were very small, perhaps due to an absence of food? Then a couple of days later, I caught and killed two small ones swimming in the aquarium. I have been very vigilant and have not seen any others. Thank goodness, as now I have some aquarium inhabitants! I have two small schools of fish: Paracheirodon Simulans and Boraras Briggitae. I also have a Hemirhamphodon tengah couple that I am madly in love with! They are tiny, beautiful and adorable. They have been flirting with each other. I got tired of catching snails so I now have Anentome helena carnivorous snails working for me! :cheer:

    This morning,I discovered some teensy Copepods in the aquarium and the Boraras were hunting and eating them! Google has convinced me they are probably Moina, a good food source for micro-preditory fish and they eat debris and algae. It’s a win-win situation! :cheer: Google tells me they most likely arrived with Java moss. I still have two aquaria without inhabitants.

    I will soon get some additional tanks. Hopefully, I will aquire my Paro’s soon.


    Jonette Stabbert

    I just wanted to give others a heads up:

    Ruineman’s in Holland currently has P. sp. aff. bintan and P. nagyi. I have bitten the bullet and ordered them from Utaka in Amersfoort.

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