

Need Species Pics for Article in TFH Magazine

Home Forums Global Pictures Need Species Pics for Article in TFH Magazine

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  • #8275
    Mark Denaro

    Hey Everyone,
    I need your help with photos again. Part 2 of my article on Paros for Tropical Fish Hobbyist magazine has been submitted. Unfortunately, my pics are all of newly imported specimens and really aren’t that great. I need pics of alfredi, anjunganensis, bintan, deissneri, linkei, nagyi, parvulus, rubrimontis, sumatranus and tweediei to accompany the article. If you have photos of these, please send them to Glenn Polyn at TFH. They should be original, unedited files and as large as possible. An easy way to do this is to upload your pictures to a Dropbox folder and then share that with Glenn. His email address is TFH does pay for nonexclusive rights to publish your photos. If you have any questions, please contact me.
    Thanks for your help,

    Peter Finke

    Mark, as I told you personally already, I just informed Horst Linke about your wishes. One thing is quite clear: There are nearly no good pictures available without costs. There are some offered to us for the sake of the P-P’s use in this website, but not for more. We therefore had to pay much attention to that problem which is huge in the internet. Many people think that all the nice photos of fish are for free. No, the good photographers urged us to take measures to prevent free downloads.
    Therefore, I just asked Horst linke who has first class pictures of all species by a personal mail to reply personally to you on the costs. Since your article is to be published in a commercial journal this question must be answered first, sorry. I am no photographer; I have no fish portraits shot myself at all. Many of the fine photos to be seen in the Finke/Hallmann book on Paros are from Hallmann, Kopic and Linke. All are not willing to give their photos for free. And this is right, I think.
    I nevertheless hope that we can solve that problem.

    Mark Denaro

    TFH typically pays $20/photo for one-time, non-exclusive license to use the photos.

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