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  • #8281
    Fredrik Engström

    Hello All!

    My name is Fredrik and i live in sweden, new to this forum and new to the Parosphromenus!

    Saw these fish on Pictures 6 months ago and decided to give it a try, dident know much but read and tryed with waters etc and 3 weeks ago i got my first fry! 🙂

    After reading here about order/buy a spicies and get something else and same hapend to me, order was Sungai bertam but ended up as what i belive is naygi!? se pic 1

    Now i like these fish and gonna try with other spicies so last week i ordered some fish named
    Linkei “moon spot” what is that, is there even a specie named that, is it even a linkei? se pic 2, 3, 4 and 5.
    Also got home today ordered Gunawani (saw posts here that it never is) but i took a chance, anyone knows what it can be, they are a bit colorless but they bin in tank only for a few hours se pic 6, 7 and 8

    Sorry for not so good pictures but they are hard to take pictures of!! :cheer:


    helene schoubye

    Hello Fredrik.

    Welcome to the Homepage and to the Project, – I am very glad to have someone else in Scandinavia 🙂 (I live in Copenhagen)
    My opinion on the photos you have uploaded are
    Picture 1 – yes, resembles nagyi
    Pictures 2,3,4,5 – they are linkei for sure, – but ‘moon spot’ ?? 🙂 .. I am sure its just a ‘shop fancy sales name’, – the blue spot is normal for linkei.

    The last one, – p. gunawani ?
    This I couldnt tell for sure, I guess the chance is really small. We will need someone else to look at the pictures, probably Peter Finke is best for this.
    The fish at the photo is rather short in the body, – which is a little different from most of the species we see as sp.bintan, blue line etc.

    Where did you buy them ? Imagezoo ?

    (ps. and according to our ‘security’measures all first posts of new users has to be approved first, this is why you didnt see your post before now)

    Peter Finke

    The first is a naygi Kuantan-type for sure, since the colour of the tail fin band seems to be whitish.
    The second are young linkei. Young because the filaments of the fins are hardly developed. “moon spot” is a typical trade name, still better would be “star sky”.
    The third is impossible to say. You need 1) good, sharp, detailed photos, 2) photos of males in courtship colouring, and 3) definitely not in frightened-look colouring (as here the last one). It is very unlikely that it is gunawani. P. ginawani was never imported for sure commercially, but privately only. It is known from one location on Sumatra only, and it is heighly unlikely that all fish since sold als “gunawani” could originate from that spot. The trade knows what people are interested in: new species and again new species. Since many Pars are difficult to be determined, the use their chance to sell “new” fish.

    Fredrik Engström

    Hello Helene!

    Thank you very much!

    Denmark is nice, been there a cpl of times, not with fish thoe but with bigger animals! 😆

    Ok like i thougt on the first 1 , i saw some difrent variants of the naygi, this is the Kuantan?
    The male always get shy when i bring the camera, maby i get som pics someday when he shows some muscles! :cheer:

    On the Linkei, the fishlist only said liqourice gurami Moon spot “NEW” and the Specie Parosphromenus linkei..

    The last ones was only named Parosphromenus gunawani on the list and was from Imazo…

    I see if i can take some new pics in a cpl of days if they start coloring up a bit!

    Thanks for help so far!


    Fredrik Engström

    Hello Peter!

    You answered what i asked Helene about the nagyi in my reply to her, thank you, dident se that you had posted when i was typing the reply!

    Ok then i know about the Linkei, after seeing them a week now and for every day they
    get more and more alert, very interesting fish

    I will try to take some new pics in a cpl of days of the other ones!

    Thanks for the help!


    David Jones

    Hello Fredrik, and I add my welcome here too. Very nice paros photos – last one is interesting, surely you will get better photos and the experts here will give you the best possible ID. In any case keep them well and good luck breeding them!

    Fredrik Engström

    Hello David!


    Yes we will see the outcome of the last ones, they start to colour up but i make photos in a cpl of days when they have
    more colours, i think its 3 males so breeding will be a struggle! :huh:


    Fredrik Engström

    Hello all!

    I have taking som new pics of the ones sold as gunawani, dont know if one get closer to what it is but i do a little update
    and i make more pictures as they show some more colors! Thoughts anyone?

    One question about the other Linkei i have, one of them have clear brown stripes all the time but when one of the other fish
    come close stripes disapear and fish turns stripes of, i tryed to make photos but its more visual looking with the eye!

    What kind of beavior, mating, agressive?


    Fredrik Engström


    I read some threads here and found fish looking like mine who wanted id aswell and also internet seach, mostly points at Sentang?

    Never seem to get a good phote when male is showing at his best but i post 3 new…

    It seems i was all wrong when i thought i had 3 males, looks like its 1 male and 2 females and last week they started spawning
    but nothing hapend, then yesterday i found eggs under a edge on the wood i have in the tank, maby it develops good if im lucky!! :cheer:

    One thing i wonder, when they spawn the females both are in cave sometimes and sometimes one leave when other comes and the other way
    around, is this normal?

    Thanks for help so far!


    Bernd Bussler

    Yes this is normal. Sometimes when I need more young fish, I set 3 girls in an aquarium, and 5 days later to a male. This has the advantage that can already know the girls and hide when it is too intrusive. Most spawning the males then successively with all the girls from so and then get 60 to 80 eggs, and if all the fry hatch, they eat well, you can, you have a lot of young ……… that’s fine

    Fredrik Engström

    Hello Bernd!

    Thank you for the info! It hatched and its a LOT of
    Of fry now! 🙂

    I take out the fry in separate tank and they allready
    spawned again!

    I saw yesterday a nest with the linkei also!



    Maurice Matla

    That´s good going.

    Jolanda Wisseborn

    Hello Fredrick,

    Great to see your beautiful paro’s, I really like your pictures. I hope they will show them self’s when they are used to your camera 😛
    Good luck with them. 😉

    Jolanda Wisseborn

    Ps: great you already have youngsters, hope you can take pics

    Fredrik Engström

    Hello Jootje!

    Thank you and thank you!

    I found a pic on two of the fry i took when moving the fry over to separate tank!


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