

Sarawak habitat photos

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  • #8624
    Lawrence Kent

    peat swamp near sibu airport being converted into agricultural land, sadly. I took this photo last month in Dec 2015

    Lawrence Kent

    Peter Beyer fishing for paros in the Sungai Stunggang and, unfortunately, finding none (in December 2015). Has fertilizer run-off from upstream palm plantations harmed the water quality?

    Lawrence Kent

    Lawrence Kent in a peat swamp and former rubber plantation near Sibu, Sarawak, in December 2015.

    The same habitat.

    Lawrence Kent

    Michael Lo scopes out a good Paros habitat near Sibu, Sarawak, last month.

    Lawrence Kent

    Hope this works. A short video clip showing one of the Paros collecting sites near Sibu, Sarawak, with Michael Lo catching Paedocypris species and some putative six-banded tiger barbs under water — Desmopuntius hexazona.

    Does the video work?

    Peter Finke

    The first photo of the destroyed peat swamp is very valuable. We have such photos too few. We need them for the new book on Parosphromenus that we planned at the meeting in Hamburg!
    The other photos are valuable too. Nice to see you, Peter and Michael trying your best.

    Bill Little

    Sorry Lawrence … it doesn’t work. You don’t see the link at all. Perhaps Helene, when she reads this, can offer a suggestion on how to fi the problem

    helene schoubye

    I would like to help with the video if I can, – but I see no link anywhere in your post. How did you try to upload it ?

    It needs to be online somewhere in order to be put in a post, you cannot upload it directly from your computer same way as photos.

    Lawrence Kent

    I will try to post additional destruction photos.

    Lawrence Kent

    Thanks Helene. I just tried to upload it like a photo. I’ll see if I can make it a link, later.

    Lawrence Kent

    Destruction of Paros habitat near Sibu, Sarawak airport

    Lawrence Kent

    More photos, which I took last month, of the sad destruction of the peat swamp home of Paros allani near the Sibu airport.

    Lawrence Kent

    Photo taken by Peter Beyer. Seek his permission to use.
    Apparently senseless habitat destruction near Lundu, Sarawak. This is the habitat of red bettas.

    Lawrence Kent

    Some of the other fish species captured last month alongside the Parosphromenu allani in Sarawak.

    Lawrence Kent

    I found a photo I took last month

    of one of the destroyed habitats for wild Red Bettas near Lundu, Sarawak.

    And here’s a photo of the nearby countryside, which is beautiful.

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