

Parosphromenus allani

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    This is the last among the Malaysian species that I’ve kept. These fishes were caught during Peter Beyer’s recent trip and they arrived at my place 2 months after the capture.





    The problem is I am not sure if there’s a female in the group (of 3)

    Rafael Eggli


    wow these pictures are beautiful! What setup did you take them with? (Cam/objective…)

    I think the last picture shows a female. I had similar worries with my tweediei but finally, two of my three prooved to be females… However, they still look rather young…


    Thanks for the reassurance (sexing the fish)
    Nothing special about the photo. Just got lucky I think

    60mm, f/16, 1/125s (or 1/90), WB Kelvin, flash output at 1/128.

    Peter Finke

    Very good, Zahar, to meet you again, see your equipment and know you are breedig allani now. This is a nice species hat we lost for several times; let’s try to keep them now for a long time.

    Lawrence Kent

    I have 3 pair of the WC fish that Beyer and I collected in Sarawak. Little courting so far. I got eggs in a clay tube just once and unfortunately they went bad and were lost. Each pair is in a separate tank. Let me know if you succeed in getting fry. We need to succeed.

    Peter Finke

    If water and feeding is OK: Try to exchange individuals.

    Lawrence Kent

    did you succeed in producing true allani fry?

    Lawrence Kent

    I succeeded in breeding my wild caught (Sibu) allani. They didn’t appreciate my clay tubes, nor did they like plastic tubes or film canisters. But they used a cichlid-stone-cave. This made it impossible to see the eggs so I needed to see fry before moving the cave to a grow-out tank. I raised 5 juveniles successfully. Then I got another spawn and I have another 6 six-week old fry. So I now have 17 true allani.
    Ph 4.8, about 60 microseimens, lots of tannin.

    Peter Finke

    Dear Lawrence, congratulations. Where did you receive the true allani from? Did you catch them yourselves at the original locations? Or did you receive them via a reliable source?

    There are “so-called allani” around, but they are mostly spec. Lundu or Sunggai Stunggang, similar but not identical. It is of major importance that we succeed in propagating true allani, since the destruction of the original locations is well under way, as I learn.

    Best, Peter

    Lawrence Kent

    Thanks Peter. I collected my allani with Peter Beyer in Sibu in Dec 2015. They are 100% true allani.

    As far as I can tell, all true allani in the US and Europe come from the few Beyer and I collected on that trip. Beyer has shared his with Hallman and Bussler in Germany. They’ve had trouble breeding them, but recently Beyer told me Bussler got some fry.

    By the way, we also visited Sunggai Stunggang/Lundu on that same trip, but found the environment degraded and no paros. My friend Stanislav visited Lundu more recently and found the same, sad situation — no paros. He also visited Sibu and got some allani but didn’t bring any out of the country.

    Peter, are you all still planning the meeting in Hamburg in September? I’m dreaming about ways to align a business trip with that meeting so I could join it for a couple of days. maybe just dreaming…

    Peter Finke

    Dear Lawrence, some years ago I had fantastically strong true allani that were caught by Horst Linke and Michael Lo. Still formerly, there were fish here in Europe caught by Allan and Barbara Brown. But both are lost in the meantime.
    I thought that the fish of Hallmann and Bussler be Lundu or Sungai Stunggang, but reading your story this will be wrong.
    And yes: We plan the second meeting in Hamburg 22-24. September. It would be great if you could participate! Really! A Chinese named Wentian Shi will do so equally, who will visit Bangka probably twice this year (after having done so last year) in search of the last true deissneri. All “classical” locations of the species are destroyed.
    Please come to Hamburg! Write to me personally if you need more information (peter.finke(at)

    Peter Finke

    Dear Lawrence, some years ago I had fantastically strong true allani that were caught by Horst Linke and Michael Lo. Still formerly, there were fish here in Europe caught by Allan and Barbara Brown. But both are lost in the meantime.
    I thought that the fish of Hallmann and Bussler be Lundu or Sungai Stunggang, but reading your story this will be wrong.
    And yes: We plan the second meeting in Hamburg 22-24. September. It would be great if you could participate! Really! A Chinese named Wentian Shi will do so equally, who will visit Bangka probably twice this year (after having done so last year) in search of the last true deissneri. All “classical” locations of the species are destroyed.
    Please come to Hamburg! Write to me personally if you need more information (peter.finke(at)

    Lawrence Kent

    A new photo of one of my wild caught Sibu P. allani

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