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  • #8974
    Fredrik Engström

    Hi all!

    Bought some paros pretty long time ago as was named Phoenicurus, checked them and they looked like it…

    I tryed when they came to separate a pair to see if they whould spawn, but nothing hapend.

    About a week ago i tryed again and 2 days later there was eggs, but now after seeing them a lot more i dont think it looks like phoenicures when i look in species section and compare…

    So to all you who have this species and se it everyday does yours looks like something like this??

    Im sorry for bad photo but its realy dark in tank and he flyes of when he see the camera!!

    I will make better when i have the chance!


    helene schoubye

    Hi Fredrik, –
    from first look, yes, it could be phoenicurus.

    Where did you buy them ? What particular reason makes you think they are not phoenicurus.
    The position makes it a little hard to be certain, – needs a tail in full ‘show’ in order to know more precisely

    Fredrik Engström

    Hello Helene!

    I found a video on Youtube that was suposed said Phoenicurus, mine was pretty much identical!

    Im verry happy, the spawn was succesful and now today i saw about 20 tiny tiny little fry under the floating plants!


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