

New photo of one of my Paros allani March 2017

Home Forums American Pictures New photo of one of my Paros allani March 2017

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  • #9211
    Lawrence Kent

    New photo of one of my Paros allani, which we caught in Sibu in December 2015. These have proven challenging to breed, but I’ve raised about ten progeny so far. [attachment=1475]

    Bill Little

    Hello Lawrence — photo did not come up on this post. Is it the same photo as you posted on a subsequent post? That one is a great photo.
    I go back and forth via email with Gianne in San Francisco. She was do pleased to obtain the Paros from you on a previous visit to Seattle. Is your count on Allani up to 16 or 17 now?
    I have been looking for P. Palidicola for some time now without any luck. There are some collectors up in that area collecting wild bettas but they have no interest in collecting Paros. I am told they were readily available many years ago in this country even in LFS thanks to a collection trip made by David Armitage (UK) and Tony Pinto (US). However, that line was not taken care of and has been lost unfortunately. I literature indicates they are relatively easy to maintain and would be excellent starter Paro for hobbyists in North America.

    helene schoubye

    Hi Bill
    I think Lawrence created a new thread, – I will link to it here

    I am not sure what happened with the image upload in this thread.

    Lawrence Kent

    Hello Helene and Bill,
    Sorry I had some trouble uploading photo, but the link Helene inserted leads up to the picture. Thanks.
    Once the weather improves here, I’ll contact you about sending you some paros. We can work out the details once the timing is right, at which time we can discuss what I have that you might want.
    I fly to Nigeria on Saturday for two weeks of work, but hoping to do a little fish collecting on the side, no paros, but maybe some killies…

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