

E-pets: “Parosphromenus deissneri” = P. Linkei?

Home Forums European Trade E-pets: “Parosphromenus deissneri” = P. Linkei?

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    Christian Neick

    Hi parofriends,

    last week I found “P. deissneri” on the homepage of e-pets and decided to order 2 pairs together with another species for an igl-member. The Paros will arrive on Friday.
    I will take some better pictures to show on the forum.

    To my opinion it seems to be P. Linkei. The following link shows some bad quality pictures, but on some you can see some males. What do you guys think about it?

    I be back to Paro heaven.

    Best regards


    Pavel Chaloupka

    Hello Chris,
    and welcome here.

    From what I am able to recognize from the pictures, you are probably right. We can however be sure they are not P. deissneri as these were likely never imported commercially and we are even worried they could be the first paros extinct.

    Pavel Chaloupka

    Also I forgot to mention that once you find paros offered by shops and wholesalers, they will very often be marked as P. deissneri. Somehow it seems that very few people are interested in changing this pratice.

    Pavel Chaloupka

    The more I look at it I wonder if they could be pahuensis. Could someone experienced look at it? The fish have typical “shop” coloration, I think I may have overestimated myself 🙂

    Peter Finke

    I rule out pahuensis. This species is structurally different: it has a distinctly longer dorsal fin, than linkei. Right, the colour is without significance, since the fish are typically frightended in the trader’s situation. But structure is significant.
    Peter Finke

    Christian Neick

    Good morning,

    I keep my opinion to receive linkei tomorrow. I will take better pictures on the weekend, if they already display to get some more opinions from you fellows. Afterwards we will find the right answer, I guess.

    Christian Neick

    Yesterday I got the parcel from e-pets.
    We ordered 4 Paros and 8 Gastromyzon punctulatus / Borneo Sucker for cheap price.
    For the paros I added the commento “2 pairs”.

    The 8 Borneo suckers had been in a very small bag with too little water for 8 fishes. They need water with high oxygen content! The result were 2 dead fish, bad water quality and fungi on the others. Last night 3 more died. The guy is not very pleased about this facts.

    Because the paros are tough for short time all 4 are in “good” condition. The nutritional condition was bad as I awaited. I fed Artemia n. and little mosquito larva. Now they look better.
    At the moment I guess all 4 are females, but I will wait some more days to see differences.
    If it will be 4 females my conclusion about this Dealer is “don’t do it again”
    But maybe for some males I have to….

    I will report.


    Christian Neick

    I took some pictures. To my mind i got 4 females. Do you guys agree? I can’t see any evidence for a male.

    I don’t know what to do now. I think I will order 4 more with the comment to get 4 males.

    Rafael Eggli


    From the pictures it is rather difficult to tell what sexes they are.
    If they were malnuritioned, the males may not color up completely. Nevertheless, it is usually easy to tell linked-sexes apart because of the long fins and colours of males. If your tank size allows it, order another batch of them and hope for the best. Otherwise you could also wait a few weeks if maybe one will still develop to look like a male…

    Greetings Rafael

    Christian Neick

    Today I tried to make some new pictures of the Paros I got from E-pets with 2 supplies.

    I don’t know what pictures they used for the homepage but to my mind the Paros I got are completely differefent from the pictures.
    Definitely it’s not linkei!

    I guess it is bintan.

    On the first 4 pictures you can see females I’ve got with the first supply.
    On the other pictures you can see a younger male and some females from the second supply. They are in another tank. I think there are 3 or 4 males of 8 fishes.

    I’m a little bit confused about the size of the dorsal fin. It seems to be very short and small. Maybe because of the age.
    Some females seem to have longer and bigger fins than this male. The bigger males didn’t display for me.

    Any opinions?

    helene schoubye

    Just want to edit this post to mention that this should have been written with my own profile Helene, and not parosphr which is the admin account.
    Just so that you know who is answering 🙂

    I understand your little bit of confusion 🙂 …
    Considering the first photo which showed a clear linkei and some other species, to me it would be clear that the species may well have been mixed so I would keep that as a possibility all the way. (thinking of what you mention about different length of dorsal fins)
    The males are clearly something in the line of ‘bintan’, but to say clearly is also really difficult. But bintan-like is maybe the best we can say at this moment. There are so many variations in this ‘line’ so its too hard to tell.
    I think the males we can see clearly here, are quite beautiful and also interesting, – I cannot really say something more precise about them.
    I would look out for a male and female that clearly ‘clicked’ and take them to a separate tank ( to get more flashing 🙂 and better photos, – and because I would then assume they might be same species)

    Christian Neick

    Some more pictures. One of a female and the others from males.
    What do the experts thinking?

    helene schoubye

    Well, – I am no expert 🙂 … thats for sure, – but I can always give my best opinion.

    I think they resemble p.alfredi – have a look at the species articles.

    But then again, – even if they resemble, doesn’t mean they are for certain. There are still many variations, and species that are close to p.alfredi.
    But I say so because of the wide red band in the tail, the short dorsal fins, the rim around the fins.

    But the colours are still a bit making it difficult, I suppose they are not completely natural colours ?

    oh, and by the way, – I managed to completely delete a post I wrote earlier in this topic, – just wanted to be clever admin, which totally failed. But it wasn’t anything really important 🙂

    Christian Neick

    Hello Helene,

    thank you for your reply. To my mind you are one of the experts 😉

    As I can see it’s really hard to find a consent.
    I took the pictures with flash and changed the properties to get a near-natural result.
    The red you are writing about is more like a brown or dark wine red. The color on the pictures is like in real.
    On the pictures of Alfredi I only find strong red in the tail fins. The second inner white-blue line is almost missing on my Paros. The red in the dorsal fin is missing or rather is just existing as a little part in the brown I talked about.
    The yellow touch near the head and in some white parts of the tails is also real.
    Without flash the brown looks like black and is hard to recognize.
    I’m wondering about the red eyes.
    To my mind it’s not alfredi, but I’m not a expert 🙂


    Christian Neick

    Just an update to the species.
    Martin H. wrote to me that it should be P. cf bintan.
    I have 12 fishes now with around 4 or 5 males.

    I will put 2 pairs into my 300l tank with Sp. vaillanti, betta coccina and boraras to observe their behavior in a bigger habitat with different zones.

    If there is somebody interested in a pair in berlin, just write me.

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