

some days are great days!

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    john walsh

    I was lucky enough to be able to give a presentation on the conservation imperative of breeding and maintaining parosphromenus to the AAGB today, and it was only after i had spoken for few minutes that i found out that Alan Brown and his lovely wife Barbara were in the audience! It was fantastic to meet them both and it was fabulous to here him talk about discovering P.alani and other fish. Great day!!

    helene schoubye

    Hi John, – great to hear that, – I am sure you made a great presentation – and fantastic that you met Alan Brown and his wife, – I have never met them, – but I know Peter will be very happy to hear that.

    Peter Finke

    Yes, Helene is right, I am very happy about that encounter. I have met the couple for several times, and always Allan had many fish (Parosphromenus of course, different species) readily packed in his luggage.Some species I got for the first time from him, e.g. deissneri or spec. Kota Tinggi, excellent fish, in best health condition, and rather easy to breed for a non-beginner. But nevertheless Allan stayed to remain nearly the only source for them, until … he decided to stop aquaristics and give everything away from one day to the next. Before we had often contact via eMail, after that the couple fell in silence.
    Therefore I am very happy to read that you met both of them.
    I hope we meet in Hamburg again?

    john walsh

    I am planning to meet you all again this Autumn, and i am very much looking forward to it.
    Besides Alan, David Armitage also sends best wishes to you Peter….And i know he picked up a group of P. Quindecim i brought along to the auction.
    It would be amazing if we could persuade them to come to Hamburg too.

    Peter Finke

    First, that you will come to our Hamburg II is very good news, indeed.
    Second, I am very happy about David’s greetings, and his luck in taking those P. quindecim over from you.
    But third, that would be the best of all: managing to persuade the Browns and David to accompagny you to Hamburg! Indeed, all people meeting there would be very happy to see them.
    What do you think: Should/could we do something to realize that aim?

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