

Palm Oil

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  • #9285
    Rafael Eggli

    Hello all,

    I wanted to do this quite some time ago but never found the time… now because of an articla published by the NZZ (Neue Zürcher Zeitung, the most renowned swiss newspaper) I found the inspiration to start that topic.

    We all know some things about the reasons of habitat loss in Parosphromenus origin countries. One of the main causes for deforestation is the expanding impact of palm oil in the economies of these countries. Nevertheless, it seems that many of us including myself only understand little about the bigger picture and ongoing developpments although these should be among our main concerns.

    So here is my idea:
    Let us collect the knowledge including reliable articles in newspapers or journals and informations provided by NGOs on the topic here in this thread. This should become a good collection of information with links to the sources for everybody to read.

    I will make a start with one article as mentioned from the NZZ on the backgrounds and why it is difficult to avoid palm oil or even find a suitable Replacement. It is however in german…

    I invite all of you to contribute to this if you are interested in learning more.

    Peter Finke

    Very good idea, Rafael! So, everybody who is seeing a relevant article should contribute a link here!
    Thanks Rafael!

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